NY about to pass strictest gun laws in nation

Looking over the bill briefly it seems that it’s tailored towards people who hunt. Guns are for hunting and sport. What about self defense? This bill is borderline retarded.

wow, unbelievable… so now I can only carry 7 rounds in my already artificially reduced 10 round g19 mags? Plus all this other bs. and now my ccw needs to be renewed?

Yep, can’t wait to see what the fee is going to be for that every 5 years re-certification.

People would rather be shackled to the wall than stand on their own.

You can quote me on that. :thankyou:

I love that this bill says that physicians, therapists, RN’s, and social workers must declare someone unsafe to own a gun and they can’t be held criminally negligent as long as their decision was “in good faith.”

It just got a whole lot riskier to be a social worker.

^So now doctors get to determine your 2nd amendment rights? Nice.

According to some govt documents you are already a threat because you served in the military. How is that for a thank you?

I don’t want to hurt anyone.
I do my best to follow the law.
I do my best to be a responsible gun owner.
I already complied with the 10 round limit, now it’s 7. Where does it stop?
I was fine yesterday, but am a criminal today because I have “evil” items that I bought legally as recent as last week.

Now what will they say is an “excessive” ammo purchase? Hell I can go through 800 rounds on a Saturday shooting targets


The mental health part is scary too… They don’t know where to stop…you could be deemed mentally unstable if:

You served and have PTSD
You took medication as a kid
You had consoling as a kid
You get “angry” and someone reports you
You seek treatment after a tragedy or loss of life

Where does it end?

It will work just as our DWI, Alcohol, Substance policies work…100% effectively.

Yeah as part of the “Mental Hygiene Code.”

This is the summary of that part, not the actual text of the law.

Provisions Related to Persons with Mental Illness

Amendments to the Mental Hygiene Law will help ensure that persons who
are mentally ill and dangerous cannot retain or obtain a firearm.
First, mental health records that are currently sent to NIDCS for a
federal background check will also be housed in a New York State
database. A new Section 9.46 of the Mental Hygiene Law will require
mental health professionals, in the exercise of reasonable
professional judgment, to report if an individual they are treating
is likely to engage in conduct that will cause serious harm to
him- or herself or others. A good faith decision about whether to report
will not be a basis for any criminal or civil liability. When a
Section 9.46 report is made, the Division of Criminal Justice
Services will determine whether the person possesses a firearms
license and, if so, will notify the appropriate local licensing
official, who must suspend the license. The person’s firearms will
then be removed.

Someone started this already


Well, I might as well fart in a wind tunnel, but I’ll sign it.

so when are we marching on albany?

Article 9 of the Mental Health Act covers “Hospitalization of the Mentally Ill” so based on this part of the law being a subset of Article 9 I would take it to mean that people hospitalized for in-patient treatment of mental illness will have their rights subject to the whims of their doctors. :tif: Sketchy ground for sure, but not as bad as any therapist or doctor being able to prevent anyone they treat from getting a gun.

We need to stop with the damn petitions. The Administration has an agenda and they will do what they please. The response will say something about making our communities safer, protecting the rights of hunters and sportsmen. Probably throw something in about Uncle Joe Biden and his Beretta. Give me a break. Fuck this.

got a better idea?

There are no options. The big thing was to call our elected officials. That worked fantastically. You even had slimeballs like Grisanti stating he was pro 2nd amendment and then voted in favor of this idiotic plan. NY State is a lost cause unless the courts overturn it. So here are the options: Don’t comply, bend over and grab your ankles or move to a state that has voted to nullify this bullshit. Thats it.

Louisiana is looking better and better now.

Louisiana never looks good.

You sound like someone who never really started fighting for what they believe in.

If you’re at all interested in guns it does. Helps when you know people down there as well.

Oh, ok Mike. Got me. I don’t think you really believe that some online petition to the president is going to make him have a change of heart? Our own state senator straight lied to us. I have been doing the e mail and phone call thing and i know others like LZ and Nitrojoe have been doing the same. Didn’t help us one bit. As I said, in this state our last hope is the courts. That is just the sad reality of this. I mean whats next? Another Lexington and Concord?