NY government coup... not the murdering kind, but it's a start

But where would he bus the homeless people if he had to run the whole state? Canada?

California duh.

Seriously though, Rudy would have a real shot at winning in NY and I’m hoping he does run. I like his mix of financial conservatism and moderate social policies.

He wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, I wouldn’t be upset if he won, he’s still too conservative on some issues for me though. Mainly corporate taxes, schools, the war on drugs, gay marriage, and he sweats religion.

Fixed? Not all unions are bad you know.

The only reason why a blue collar worker can earn a decent wage is because of union organizations. Whether they are in one or not.

But I will concede that unions need to remember why they exist in the first place, and yes I believe some things have to give. But I think the American worker is much better off because of unions.

Yeah but if he gets in and actually gets shit done wouldn’t it be worth it? Fix the major problems then worry about the small shit later once the situation is under control.


Sounds promising on paper. I’m sure they’ll find a way to make it business as usual.


If this really happens it’s going to put a ton of pressure on Silver.