NY or local dyno tuning options?

That was starting shit I simply thought it was funny that going that far for dyno because the initial price is cheaper doesnt make sense to me! Ok BRO?

Im not trying to argue geeze, grow up. I honestly want to know why some people spend that much money to get to a tuner, I understand wanting a quality tune on a vehicle but when there are/is local shops more then capable of that it just doesnt seem traveling is logical, thats all Im getting at and everyone flips out and starts running there mouths! I swear its impossible to have an opinion on here without people freaking out.

you still make no fucking sense. you sound like a complete moron…

so basically your saying drop your car off for a week and pay 200hr for a week vs 120hr for week and the 160-200 your going to spend on gas isnt gonna make it worth it??


You suck at math btw.

If there are better tuners where they at?

I give up there is no getting through to you, its like arguing with Vlad.

Carry on with this thread its giving me a headache, no wonder so many people dont post here anymore, this is the only automotive forum I have ever been on where people ask questions and get no help but get bashed instead LOL

Florida, this place called rlms or somthing

Lol c’mon keep posting in here these internet arguments dont get me bent out outta shape im at my nephews boring ass bday party double fisting hot dogs and burgers lmao at reading and posting!

Im bored too its generally only time I post or if I have a question. I just wanted to know why staying local was such a shitty option and everyone gets all antsy LOL I guess I will never fully understand this forum!

I’m just busting balls…

Btw, weren’t you just calling me and richie Internet crybabies?

Yeah, that was a bit of whining on my part I will admit it LOL

But seriously when you guys get your cars tuned how long does a good tune take? I mean with bikes Ive spent a full day in Lake Placid getting a tune (prolly 5 hours of consecutive tuning) and I have dropped a bike off at Joe’s cycles for a few days, both tunes were great. Thats why Im wondering if all that traveling is truly worth it, I mean gas prices are ridiculous and even worse if you going to be towing it the whole way!

First time I had my jeep tuned out in Maryland it took a full day. Had to start from scratch. I would probably say 8-10hrs.

Sucks that even when you have problems, and the cars on the dyno… The dyno time keeps adding up.

I had it tuned out there first because the motor was built out there, if it wasnt I wouldve had it tuned closer to home.

Ok that makes sense to me, if someone was building my motor I would 100% want that shop to tune it as well!

The Redline shit is getting old too lol…


Hahhahaha never gets old Aslong as hes in biz! Hahah tony js def good and local, as drew said slowhawk is good for travel

Tony js? and Slowhawk? any sites?

Tony/Anthony Coppola. coppola performance

Slowhawk(Don) http://www.slowhawkperformance.com/

Oh the js confused me…

Now does the $550 include a re-tune if I get some more parts?

I think every tune session is charged for. Its not a one time fee for unlimited Tunes. Some tuners charge for how moded ur car is since the tune has to be more in depth. A tune as far as i kno unless you get a deal is a one time tune and a price, not a one time price and multiple tunes. If u have a n/a car and get it tuned for 550 then even a week later put a blower on it its guna cost u another 550+

Sorry for the sloppy post

wow, I did’nt know that. I might be waiting then, Cause I was going to do headers then do Nitrous or a cam later on. Might as well buy headers now then wait till I get a cam or nitrous then get it tuned in one shot. I don’t have the money to shell out almost $600 bucks everytime I need something tweaked for a new part.

Yea i mean some tubers may say if ur guna come back ill cut ya a deal or if ur guna tune it then mod it very very soon after the toon they may help ta out but idk kinda doubtfull. Mod ur car all at once for a one time deal to help save money. If u wana safe cash u can do a mail order tune for under 200 bux. Find a company of your choice and send them ur ecu n they tune it. Usually for small mods such as bolt ons,(exhaust and gear change) they do the job. Its always nice to have a dyno tune for whp numbers and so its spot on tonhow ur car runs but it is costly