is there anyone else out there with an FU to get off there chest…
Yes FUCK YOU UB, I will be done this may and I can’t wait to be done.
Also FU ass hates on the roads that can’t drive, aka 85% of drivers.
FU Magic Hat #9 for being such a wonderful thing to drink.
FU gas prices, we invaded you, your oil should be free damn it.
FU Cats, I HATE cats, my neighbor leaves her garage door open a little and leaves cat food in it. There went from maybe 2 neighbor hood cats to 24. FU CATS your piss smells worse then a rotten snatch covered in shit and cabbage and maybe liver. I can’t decide if I should shoot the cats or my neighbor for being such a cunt.
The end for today.
this dude is angrier than violator
that is hard.
couldn’t agree with you more.
most annoying thing on the road… period. I especially love it when they try to speed up and give you a “wtf” look when you pass them on the right.
It always seems to be the same people that will wait until their 50 feet from their exit to move into the driving/merging lane too. It honestly brings a little ray of light into my life when they can’t get off their exit though because “someone” is in the lane they want to be in.
sucks to be you douche nozzle
Fuck yeah, I do that periodically myself.
I am tired of being nice and letting people in my lane without getting the ‘thank you’ wave. Is it too hard to thank someone for letting your dumb ass in, especially when you have no reason trying to do whatever you are doing in the first place. I was kind enough to let you pull out of that parking lot, when you should have waited your turn like everyone else. Next time, just give me a little wave and I won’t have to rear end you for being an asshat.
a Big FU to all the F*cking Sh!t baggs who drive 30mph with your hazards on the highway :shoot::shoot:… you make it bad for all of us “get out of the way”… where did you grow up … Arizona … by now you should have learned how to drive in bad weather… thanks for driving in the center lane 2…:deadhorse2:
there are 3 parts of my day I hate …driving to work, driving home from work and dealing with customers…
go I am so fired up… can not wait to live in a city where i do not need a car to get to work…
I am’mm out…
I am going to kick a puppy , and punch a sleeping baby…
Why can’t people just sack up and buy a set of snow tires. For god’s sake, you live in BUFFALO.
I big FU to the lady in her 30’s or maybe 40’s with the beige civic who works on john muir drive in amherst. Yeah you, the bitch who drives 30 mph up klien, and n.forest while braking for the little curves on n.forest as well as for green lights with the giant parade of traffic behind you. And then goes 20 mph up john muir because you’re going to turn in a 1/4 mile, so why get up to speed right? Not on bad weather days mind you, because I’m pretty sure you’re too scared to even drive then, on days when the roads are perfectly CLEAR!
One of these days I’m going to take the wife’s big ass SUV instead of my car and plow your damn civic right into the creek.
yep yep
The roads I took today weren’t even bad in the least…wet at best…and people were driving like asshats…oh well…time to get a real junker and start playing bumper cars
I was driving like an old lady today lol But I was keeping to the right lane.
High Performance summer tires on a 350HP RWD car suck in the winter knock on wood so far though
When are you going to buy some snows you cheap bastard. :lolham:
You could have picked up those 225/45/17 iPikes in the classifiedsfor around $200. They’re sold now because I picked them up.
lol well, I figure I made it this far, I should be able to make it another 8-12 weeks
BTW, What are you doing with the wheels that TramaDog sold you after winter?
Mounting those Ipikes I picked up on them and stacking them in the back corner of my garage until next winter. That is assuming I don’t swap the snows I have on now for the ipikes before the end of the winter (my snows have just about had it). And I bought them off the guy who bought them off Traumadog so I could get them even cheaper.
A big FU to customers, …clean the ice off your window and wipers before you use them… If you do not do this , then yes the wiper arms wiper pop and snap… warranty should not cover repairs due to the fact you are a lazy p.o.s …
and clean the ice off you side windows to , because if you do not , yes the window clips will brake and the window will drop…
I’mm out , going to push and old lady down some steppsss…
what shape are the wheels in? wanna trade for my stockers plus some cash?
you are the angriest noob to date. lol.
Watch out Violator!