NYC Mosque

WTF? How is it deadly? The only people who ‘die’ from religion are the extremists who blow themselves up in the name of religion. The only holy wars being initiated these days are by Muslim Extremists (NOT Muslims in general!). You don’t see the Catholic Church marching on the Holy Land as part of some crusade. Yes, perhaps in the past history of man kind it was ‘deadly’ but in 2010, I’d be hard pressed to say religion is the #1 source of death.


For the record, I myself am against some of the aspects of the religion/denomination I’m part of, but I’m generally a peaceful person so I just let it go. Don’t necessarily follow all the rules my local church has put in place.

Being a person of faith is more about just that, faith, than it is about being ‘religious’. A lot of religion has to do with politics, etc. It’s a relationship with the God you choose to worship more than it is anything else.

Lots of good points in this thread, regardless, I think these people should be respectful. They had every right to inquire about building a mosque, but if people are so up in arms about it, they should kindly just pick another location. It’s that simple.