NYC School wont allow "God Bless the USA" song at graduation

Ilya, I like you REGARDLESS of how much I disagree with your faith. It’s yours, you don’t ask me to believe it – therefore I don’t rag on you about it. Seriously, at least you’re not crazy like my mother in-law. She speaks “in tongue” frequently. It’s mostly to the cat, parrots and dogs or just herself. Weird shit… LOL

As for me, I’m a die-hard atheist and a man of science. I have a tattoo that reads ἄθεος which is ancient Greek for “without gods” or “godless”. I do not believe in supernatural beings of any sort. I don’t hate people that embrace religion, no matter how much the concept might frustrate me.

I think most intelligent people would agree that church and state should be completely separated. It has nothing to do with Christian beliefs, it’s just not relevant in any way/shape/form.