NYIRP 9-5-08...?

I should be in. I get out of work around three at the latest. If I could ride with someone that’d be fabulous. I have no radio. I could take my moms cobalt…EW.

Take the RSX…

I think it actually starts at 6 and depending on how many cars show up ends at 10 or 11


damn it i wanna go:cry::cry:

No you dont, its retardedly hot again. :tdown: to more crappy time slips, next time i go, it has to be 65 or less :slight_smile:


my car hasn’t been to the track this year either. Do I make claims abot what it could / should do? No.
Do I let other people make claims about what it could / should do? No.

When people ask, I say that it ran 8.0 in the 1/8th. Since then alot of work has taken place, but it doesn’t mean shit until there is a new timeslip to validate it.

You think everyone is an asshole?

There are more then a handful of people on here (and tons more at the track) that have actually put ALOT of their own work, time, $$, & knowledge into ACTUAL 10 second slips. Yet here YOU are spouting off high 10 second 1/4m times based on $$$ like its nothing.

The fucking leghumping, bandwagoneering, and bench racing has turned this Automotive Racing site into a fucking joke.

To be clear: I have very little against Paul’s car, and nothing against him as a person. I’ll be very happily surprised to see him turn in a 10 second slip. :tup:

everyone is an asshole

Couldnt agree more with you dude

Where is swerve, i might be out.

This is an automotive racing site:cky:…

Here I am the entire time for social networking… time to fine a new board.:purextc:

Walden ave off of transit in Depew

Swerve Motorsports
[FONT=Arial]3149 Walden Avenue[/FONT]
Depew, NY 14043

jim you should go. Weather says 60’s as it gets later in the evening

We all know you don’t race the STi.

I want to see it in writing to validate it asshole, print me out a copy and fax it over to my work. Until then 60 degrees doesnt mean shit fuck head

Hey I did for the last few years:cool:…

Cosworth motors dont pay fo demself, my well of savings have run dry so no money for a properly running car:hang:.

But I guess thats a good point in nikuk’s favor… Im just some minor diagnostics and a tune away from a sub 11 car but who would I be to keep saying I can hit tens. So many people are just a few hundred dollars away from 10’s or a few hours of wrench time or a few more passes. The point is untill you hit tens, dont talk about tens because you really are pretty far away. There are so many things that have to go right in such a large given time to hit that number, and we can face the point that without an unlimited budget or some serious skillz/luck, not many of us are close to 10.XX

That is unless you have LShwan powa… then all bets are off!

not this year, my tranny is already fucked past the point of no return. i just want to kill it, hence y waiting for this trailer

I def want to record that moment if you blow it up at the track.

Good idea take a broken car to the track…maybe the tranny will blow up and oil down the track and ruin everyones night :ohyeah:

Gates open at 5:30. They go until 10pm. If more than 100 cars show up then they stay open until 11.