NYS forcing drivers to purchase new plates.

I have personalized plates. Are they gonna fuck me again, I already pay an annual fee on them WTF!


I have two Audi A4’s maybe I will just have one plate now for both cars…:slight_smile:

NY state loves bending me over the table - I am so easy I guess.



I bleed for NY.

They will most likely charge the “Specialized Plate Fee” for personalized plates. It also happens when you renew a registration. I don’t understand why you pay extra to have the plate made, pay extra fees to register it, and then pay extra fees to renew the registration.

I figured once the plate was made then those fees would go away. But, I guess not.

Haha, I have one plate on my MR2 and the other on my Grand Am. I plan on selling the Grand Am so I did not bother registering it. The plate just makes it look legal…:shrug:

just checked its avalible

I just find it completly unfair, that, we the citizens did NOTHING wrong, yet NYS is going to tax us even more just because they fucked up.

They’ll get $50 out of me…
my dad owns 7 vehicles… looks like he’s gotta pony up some more dough.
fucking lame

If they were smart, they would go to a 1 plate system, like what the other half of the country does.

That would save them 50 percent on metal costs.

But fuck that wouldn’t work. The license plate union would go on strike, then the union who ships license plates would strike, then the dmv clerks would strike, and on and on.

Maybe they should go to a 3 license plate system instead, in case you lose one.

Simple fix— Move

Strongly considering it.
This plate BS is coming on the back of them jacking up my property taxes and blowing my escrow balance out. So now my mortgage payment goes up on a house with flat or declining value. HRMMM. I mean seriously what does NY do for us the tax payers? They use salt that destroys our vehicles. They plow like shit and leave huge potholes in the road. They just jacked up the state sales tax not long ago. TAX TAX TAX. What the fuck. If I ran my personal finances like them I’d be broke too…but I’m not a fucktard and I watch where my money goes. :banghead:

Any suggestions where I should look? LOL

While I agree with that, why should everyone have to? It seems like every single state run organization feels he need to nickel and dime tax paying citizens. While $25 isn’t the end of the world, didn’t the title and registration fees just recently skyrocket? It just seems like the dmv/nys knows that citizens do not have a choice but to pay whatever they decide so they raise these fees as they see fit without any public input.

And best of all…we ALL have to go sit for hours in the DMV in order to turn in the old and get the new plates. How efficient. I <3 NY. LOL

looks like my job search in ohio just got WAY more serious…the clock for my time in NYS is ticking lol

fuck! i just got plates 2 days ago

How about not voting the same tards back in every election time. hmmm we continue to vote the same but expect a difference??? All dmv fees were raised 25% ALL. was part of the budget that your elected officials voted yes to a few months ago. did any of you call your reps and bitch when this was in the news a while back?

^thats what i was thinking. :lol: atleast somebody on here has some sense. :lol:

anyway… i’m laughing at people who are contemplating moving over $25 bucks.

I know it sucks and it would piss me off, but would it be a reason I moved? absolutely not, I had plenty of BETTER reasons to move prior.

And chris… good luck not getting in trouble with old plates, if this passes. :fool:

It’s not moving over $25 bucks.

It’s over $25 and then $25 and then $25 and then $25 and then $25 and then $25 and then $25. Well, you get the picture.

Will calling and bitching stop a moving train? Not realistically IMO. I do agree with the election point, but there would be issues no matter which pile of shit was elected. I can’t see voting for the lesser of the evils. And good candidates will never get in, they would disrupt the system and the governments ability to defraud the citizens. [/tinfoil]

This sucks. Our state government is a complete laughing stock.

this does suck, maybe instead of the nice picture of niagara falls, the hills and nyc at the top, it will have a picture of a person getting ass raped

as for registering out of state, i know someone who did this to get around his wife taking the car in a divorce. His dad lives in North Carolina and the the car is entirely in his name instead, he just put his son on his insurance policy to allow him to drive it. The car is older, plus NC doesnt have the stupid testing like here anyways. Hes been driving like this for 3 years now.

get it while you still can, just checked and its available! no one took it yet?