NYS forcing drivers to purchase new plates.

LOL this state just gets better and better.

I’m considering finishing school out of state at this point. It’s not the $25 but whole premise behind it.

It costs WAY too much to live in a such a SHITTY state.

Serious question though, does this apply to motorcycles also? Am I really gonna have to buy ONE freaking plate? So I can slap that onto my registration that’s due in April that they just RAISED recently? Cool. Very cool.

im not sure at what point we will have another Boston Tea Party, but it seems like NYS would be a great place to start.

“no taxation without representation” used to mean something, so much so that people went to war for it.

now we just sit back and bitch THEN write the check anyway.

they better make a new design, I want my money’s worth damnit!

try being a dealer, everytime I turn around NYS shoves another telephone pole up my ass

That why i got the bill from the dmv for their mistake in the total amount of almost $1000 lol…its all piece together like a puzzle. so everyone who got a reciept for under wholesale value of the vehical then watch out you will probably get a letter soon. lol

Completely thinking about selling the house and moving the out of NY

So you bought a 8 thousand dollar car, put 1000 on the bill of sale and now the state wants to tax you on the difference?

Do you drive the Grand Am? What happens when you get pulled over in it?

No i put in the right sale price, the dmv employee/teller put in the wrong amount on the system as only 10% of that it actually cost.
Now they say i owe them $999 in taxes, penalty interest and all that shit…ill ket you know how it goes when iget off the phone with the dmv lol.

car gets impounded…you go get the car reigster/title/impound fee etc. and then you get the car back.

I’m glad I live in Texas.

If they tried that shit down here the people would take off their plates, shoot them and place them in a pile in front of the DMV.

:lol: to NYS being a total JOKE.

LOL, if you did that here, they would ticket you for unlawful discharge of a firearm, littering, destruction of government property, driving without plates, vandalism, unlawful gathering, failing to obey an officer of the law, and just for good luck, they would throw a speed contest ticket in there… maybe a parking in handicapped ticket too. :banghead:

The shit in this state NEEDS TO STOP.

people should go to the media about this, consistently, create a shit storm and get shit done.

On all honesty…we could start a petition…

+1… I tell people this allllll the time… I bitch about politics, my parents tell me that we need to vote to change anything and that someone young needs to get into office and make things change. Well, when it comes to voting theres not much choice other than which one is less of an asshole. As far as someone young and ambitious getting in? Yea, unless you convince the current politicians that youll do things their way it just wont happen.

Start with a small group of people… the general public is for the most part a bunch of lemings. If they see a crowd moving passed their house they will want to jump in, eventually forming into an even larger crowd. People here need to learn from the Europeans on how to get the attention of the government. Gather as masses and start getting your point across.

thinkin this calls for a whole lot more

I’m in. I still am out of work thanks to the current and past regimes running the show. So I have nothing but time on my hands. HAHAHA

At least someone else has a foil hat on. We are so foolish…but stylish. :wink:


After Houston I have no idea where to move maybe vounderfoul europe? LoL

Bastards. They get enough of my money.

Or, just another tax piled on by the NY Democrats you idiots voted for.


But don’t worry, there is money to give welfare recipients an untraceable $200 per child for back to school supplies, even if their kids have dropped out of school.


Welcome to last week!!!
