NYS gave me a departing gift

i had a suspended license in Ny when i moved to ATLANTA and got a clean record here, however NY did take my state refund $190 check from me beause i didnt pay there $600/yr assesment fee =(

best bet is to write the DA, explain you are moving, ask for a reduction (by MAIL)

some of us actually are following thru with it…

Yes, but the car is staying registered/insured in NY. (Not in my name)



Gonna mail the DA as Dave mentioned, as it seems the best bet and according to my attorney should be willing to help out with.

Lower insurance will make up for that.

I didn’t move back - 3 years and counting…

I would just fight it.

I think i’ve been out of Buffalo the longest out of anyone i’ve known that moved ha(then again I make way too damn much money to walk away, even though i’ve tried to convince myself a few times I should).

Good luck with the ticket, all I can add is that I waited just over 2 months after I moved to switch my license from NYS to Florida and two tickets caught up with me.

i thought only touching states talk and transfer points

did you just make that up? that’s not true at all.

the issue I would care about is will your insurance company find out… chances are yes, so it’s worth fighting. the points are less important in this case.

Figured I’d update this today.

Spoke to the court clerk she said they do this all the time with out of towners and to just mail it in and plead not guilty and they will then reduce it to whatever and mail it back to me to pay whatever fine it gets reduced to.

So it’s been mailed back in. I know for a fact that NY-VA points don’t transfer so I’m not worried.

Insurance company won’t find out because the policy is in my mothers name, and I’m not listed as a driver. Of course that’d not an excuse to accept points, as some day I will need to put insurance in my own name.

Maybe somebody can chime in but do insurance companies see the same thing regardless of state? The only reason my insurance is still not in my name is simply because nobody will insure me because of my adolescent driven record.

Calling Slopoke, update for you?

Update. Court finally sent me the paperwork. Reduced to 1110a (as suspected) $155 fine, and all done. :tup: