NYS gave me a departing gift

On my way into work on my last day here as a New Yorker go figure. 54/35.


Since I am moving to VA tomorrow, I don’t have the time nor is it worth my time to come up for this.

I have no points anymore, so a 19 over is what 6 points? I figure probably $250 ticket and $300 (100 a yr/3 yr) if the 6 points throws me into DRA, but does that even matter since I’ll be in VA on a VA license and no longer a NY one before this ticket even is processed.

Will NYS notify the DMV in VA after the fact and alert them of this ticket?

Well if you change your license before the court date…


Just remember when you move back you will have those points when you convert your license back…

check the NYS dmv for reciprocity laws and see if they recognize each other… 6 points is a decent ticket. If they do recognize it, your insurance is going to go up. fwiw. do you plan on getting your license changed to a VA license?

not gonna lie, i giggled a bit

What part of VA are you moving to??

Not sure if NY points would transfer to VA, but I lived in Florida I received a speeding ticket & a radar ticket in VA and the point transfered to Florida. 3 points was add to the 9 points I had already had.

Insurance is not in my name and I’m not listed as a driver on the policy so I’m not worried about insurance going up at all. Yes VA license will be here in less than 30 days.


License will def be changed wayyyy before the court date. I don’t plan to move back at all sooooooo lol.

NY can notify VA that you owe them money and VA, in return, can suspend your license until you pay up in NYS.

…at least this is what i’ve been told.

Why would I owe them money? I have every intention of paying this.

$$$ is not the point.

The question is will the points be notified to VA via the NYS DMV if I just say fuck it and plead guilty.

What town was it written for? I’ve plead non-guilty and handled the entire case through the mail before when I got a ticket up near Watertown in a little 1 light town called Philidelphia, NY.

Called the court, got the address for the DA, mailed a letter explaining that I was 4+ hours away, had a clean record, was going to school blah blah (all the shit you tell the DA when you meet in person) and asked for a reduction. I got a letter back with his offer (a nice non-moving violation) which I just had to sign and send back. I then got another letter with how much I owed.

Might be worth a shot. Worse case they say no and you just plead guilty.

Last I checked NYS only reports points to Canada. And if you move and have a different license, they’ll still hunt you down for the $100/year thing.

Edit: I plea bargained a 15 over ticket via the mail also, 4 years ago, when I was going to Boston, MA from Rochester. The ticket was in Florida, NY.

This sounds like it could work. I will definitely call the court later and find out what they say.
Ticket was in Pavilion.

Just checked with DMV page, 19 over is a 4 point ticket which keeps me clean from the DRA.

that’s what we ALLLL said :wink:

Yeah but you ALLL lived here your whole lives, haha. I have no ties back to Buffalo.

See you in 6 months. :wave:

Anywho back on topic. You guys can wish me luck and 6 month hellos in my goodbye thread lol.

So I think I’m gonna call the court later today and see what they can do for me.

i have 2 tickets from ny i didnt pay before i moved…i have had no trouble with them here or getting my VA license…

eff it

hey some of us don’t

I have no idea, but I have a license, never paid the DRA because they are two dumb to send me the bill I have asked for for over a year…

doesnt VA charge property tax on cars when you go to register… or something like that?

If so hoped you saved up for that

The points will not transfer. I’m pretty sure it is only certain regions of Canada that have points transferred over too.