
Absolute cycle $195 walk-in, which is pretty good; However you will have to ask around to see what their rider density is like.

Clubs can run trackdays and charge people for much less simply by bumping up the rider density, but if the track is like a traffic jam it just became pointless, especially when clubs have passing rules. In addition some clubs are more gear towards newer riders or towards lowing risk at the track. Some will be just free for all. So when picking a club you should find one that fits how you want to ride.

Leathers you can rent, if you don’t want to invest. Unless you KNOW you are going to enjoy this, then get leather no problem; but if you are on the fence you might just wanna rent one and give track riding a go and see if that is what you enjoy.

Spectating during trackdays are usually free, but different tracks might have different policies.

thanks man, yea this was my first season ever bassically only been on 2 wheels since march lol… so I would like the least populated runs lol, one thing i liked about pro motion or whatever is it includes the A.R.T and bronze says great for beginners and less dense track runs more targeted for newbs… but then it says percents off and such if i am a member of them either bronze or silver member fairly priced, how much is each day on track?

The Novice group are usually not the most populated, which would be the inter group; in some clubs the inter group is unridable due to most people would ride in that group and it just became a traffic jam…

Some clubs run novice group guided for a few sessions, so newer riders can get comfortable on the track at an ok pace and don’t have to worry about traffic at all.

IDK man it depends on the club/ organizer. If it’s anything like absolute cycle and NJMP you can come and hang out in the garage area with friends pick spots around the track to snap pictures. also spectating track days isn’t to thrilling maybe a mock race would be a bit more interesting.:rofl

Some where in here is rental info for gear if you crash in their leathers it will cost you 400 bucks though.

Found how the a guest spot a track day

Invite and Ride with your Friends on the track!

Silver and Full Throttle members may bring a friend with them to the track as their guest for the day. For one day a friend can ride or take the ART Level 1 School with sharing the same rate as the member for that day. Friends may register for their day by clicking here. They will need to use your name as the referring friend. If your friend joins the club you will receive referral credit with the amount depending on what membership was taken. Up to two friends may ride per event. Direct any questions you may have to sales@teampromotion.com

The “Full throttle membership” it has a price run down seems like the best bang for the buck. if they do it like NJMP you pay a one time fee unless you upgrade.


2012 Annual Membership Dues - $99
Now if they mean annual as in once a year I pay 100 dollars for a membership and not 100 a month than I am signing up with these guys. at 75 bucks for a weekday track day and 150 for a weekend I could see myself hitting the track on a very regular basis.
Tuesday through Thursday*
Friday, Saturday and Sunday

yea them prices are really good i was just re-reading all that full throttle membership. deff the way to go and they got some sweet tshirts to pick from lol, I guess thats the way i should deff go, and I would deff rather have my own leathers lol, tax returns should bring enough to get the leathers and pay the membership fee this year, then all the money i save this winter I could do quite a few track days for sure!!!

Whats your suit size and budget? I’ll keep an eye out for you. I tend to spend a lot of time hunting down deals on gear and parts.:lol The only other guy as obsessed as me is rocket punch.:rofl

the suit sizes really confuse me lol… right now my budget is 0 i just bought gloves and boots lol, my budget right after taxes is like a grand thats my best time to pick up a suit, and the sizes get me because were my hieght is it says about 50lbs heavier than me lol and were my whight is its about 4 inchs to short… im tall and lanky… suit is something i would prefer to try on before buying but sadly no one local carrys 1pc suits…

what is your height and weight then? don’t worry I’m a few pounds underweight thats why I find the best fit come from Italian made or Japanese suits.:rofl

last time i checked about 4-5 months ago 6’1 @ 130lbs, but i been working out a bit ill get more accurate measurments this weekend:)

There you go and most likely they will have the most NYST events.

I hate to say it man, but 6’1 and 130 you will be had to find a rack suit that fits proper. How much do you plan on spending on a suit?

perfect and perfect:) I hope to spend bettween 400-700max lol 800 is ok but I need a couples months first to start saving for this:) I think around january or feb. I will be making the purchase of my suit and membership for track days:)

You can get $799 custom suit tailor made to your body or ask around and see if someone is similar to your body type and what rack size suit fits them.

If buy online, you can find a shop with no restocking fee so you have a bit of elbow room in case the suit you got is giving you trouble so you can you do an exchange.

How old are you early 20’s I’m guessing? I used to be 5’10 130 a few years back, now I’m up to 155 been working on the body for 2 years now still not where I want to be.:lol

Indeed I’m all about bang for the buck.

Also with the suit size he will be hard fit for an off the rack suit. maybe a Dianease or RS-taichi 42 would fit him. a size 40 RS can do a guy 140 to 160 5’7 to 5’8 its a bit snug on my kibbles n bits while walking but other wise fine on me.

So with a chest protector and back protector in the suit it wouldn’t be to bad on him I think.

Also Pilot makes custom suits on the cheap used to be 800 but every few months they go up 100 dollars.:banghead

The Dean of Lean on the WFO makes suits I hear his prices are good and the suits are great also MAJOR customization!

Nothing wrong with saving up thats what I do, hold off till you can get what you really want!

Revzilla has a no restocking fee. I’d check with ridersdiscount they never do wrong by me.

799 really is not that bad for a custom suit from prices I see online lol, and yea we will figure this suit out for me we got till like i said jan or feb:( I hate being broke on minimum wage lol, and pretty close lol im 21!!

Get a better job dude lol…

I will be riding the CBR since I sold the R6 earlier this year

I’ve never had the CBR on the track so it’ll be nice to see how it compares to the R6

We had $100/$120 trackdays in TX when I rode with Ridesmart in 2009/2010; it was awesome! Even better, corner workers received a free trackday, so I only paid for 2 out of the 7 that I did.

One of those got to fit you :rofl. You can always contact them about sizing.




ridesmart and WFO were working together for a while up until recently, they had amazing prices I know a few guys who still ride with them.

The only reason I am staying here is because I do love the field of work im in and it does have alot of room for advancement, Im getting ready to go back to school and slowly work my way up the ladder executives were i work make serious bank!!!

awesome man thanks them are great deals!!! do you think they will still be on sale in feb.?

where do i sign up for this suit lol I think ill have the same problem getting an off the rack suit being im around 6ft1 155lbs but Ill deff be buying over the winter an be seein a few of you on the track this spring kinda wondering how the Rc51 is gonna do on the track