NYSpeed BBQ this summer at Letchworth?

yea, may is fine, its buffalo cmon, u dont want it to be 80 cuz then everybody will be BLEGH

I was talking about the chace of shower mainly, but I guess that can happen any day. who knows what the summer has in store this year.

pig roast, that would be ballin


memorial day weekend would be crazy i think… driving…traffic…tickets… etc

first week in may. just because its the only weekend i’ll still be in NYS…

oh good point about law enforcement on that day, i would try for a different weekend because we arn’t exactly known for driving the speed limit.

ok, so i’m thinkin like everyone is saying…memorial day weekend prolly would be best to avoid, too many factors going against that ( family parties, people out of town for said parties, law enforcement etc) so i propose that we pick a weekend day either the week before carlisle, or the week after winged warrior. so that leaves:

Saturday April 28th, Sunday April 29th, Saturday May 19th or Sunday May 20th. i’m adding a poll to this this thread, vote accordingly :slight_smile:

The later the better for me. Last year was great. tpgsr FTW huge :tup: for last year.

I’ll be there, last year was pretty fun. Altho it should be more towards nicer weather time. May might still be a little cold still.

i like teh 19th

bump, keep voting :slight_smile:

Sunday the 20th for my vote…i dont have any plans that far in advance so any day would work…i chose may 20th thought because the longer we wait, the warmer it may be…

same for me

Dude, my car comes out March 25th when I’ll be at a meet. It’s only disappearing for a week to get the cage work finished. If there isnt snow on the road in April I’ll be out all month. May? HAHAHA COLD? If it’s over 40, it’s warm.


i voted sunday the 20th, because sundays i usually hate, so this will be a nice end to a weekend for me, and i generally dont work sundays. well, now i dont have a job so that doesnt matter…lol

looks like sunday may 20th so far… i’m gonna let this go for a few more days until its finalized

wedding is the 18th… so I wont be able to make the 2 may dates :frowning:

lol only in new york.

20th , It should be warm enough mid 60’s . Also im willing to bring 2 cases of beer as my contribution.