NYSpeed @ Dunville: Track Day #3 Discussion and Pics/Vids

Any more pictures?

… or VIDEOS Josh?? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Patience boys and girls…

The amount of people with cameras always amazes me because of the lack of photos following an event. I guess I’m going to have to start shooting again and not helping people so we can actually get some photos of the event. I counted atleast 3 people shooting on the front straight, I saw two guys near the 180/kink, and another 2 guys standing on the small hill by the double left hander leading into the final straight when I was drifting the Z. All with cameras…

Yeah I saw lots of people taking pics, but just one guy who posted them. I cant bitch though because I never bring my camera. I wouldnt expect to see anything from josh for awhile, he usually puts in alot of editing time before he posts any footage. Just wait for the DVD.

i brought my camera…

but forgot my memory stick:banghead:


i brought my camera…

but forgot my memory stick:banghead:


What good are you then??? I just read that you got a flat in the Miata, I wish you would have said something, I could have thrown the tire in the wagon and given you a lift to Canadian Tire and you could have gotten an el cheapo tire to get you home. Unless you like long drives in tow trucks with ex cons:D And yes, I KNOW for a fact that a bunch of people were filming as I slid the wagon in that middle turn as you set up for the back straight, I’d LOVE to see that footage.

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:67,topic:35659"”]

What good are you then??? I just read that you got a flat in the Miata, I wish you would have said something, I could have thrown the tire in the wagon and given you a lift to Canadian Tire and you could have gotten an el cheapo tire to get you home. Unless you like long drives in tow trucks with ex cons:D


we called canadian tire and they did not have any tires in my size

I just want any raw unedited footage of our car.

I have some… it’s something like 300mb unedited and 30mb compressed for web. what I don’t have is a place to put it… give me FTP or other and I’ll gladly provide.


I just want any raw unedited footage of our car.


i liked watching you shoot flames out of your exhaust when u were running

^^^ I’d rather have raw footage also, then edited stuff later if he feels so inclined:D

ill upload my pics when i find my usb cable

I have a few vids from in Car. I did forget to take my regular camera, normally I take lots of pics as well. Here are a few vids, I know I still need lots of seat time yet but oh well.
Starting to rain

With a passenger

I go off the track on this one, all I was thinking right away was not hitting those rolls of hay.

I wish I had tried to take more when it was raining harder but figured it would be too dark for the camera. I had the most fun then.

no seriously

the last track day died a painful death in the picture department.

someone else has to have video of the dorifto shenanigans and flame blowing sho?

i just want a pic of my glowing rotors.

anyone? pics vid?

What mods are done to the SHO?


we called canadian tire and they did not have any tires in my size



Josh took alot of pictures…:shrug:

I have video, will try to get online tonight

excellent! good finish, i was watching the vids trying to spot the rsx, for the life of me though i dont remember you spinning out infront of me…