NYSPEED Homeowner Krew *update, bought a house*

Sq footage? how many bedrooms?

:tup: man, congrats.

Welcome to the, “Every time I go to Lowes or Home Depot I leave $100 lighter” club.

A good friend of mine just bought a place on Nathan’s Trail, just on the other side of Como Lake Park from you.


already planning on replacing living room carpet with laminate flooring and putting down ceramic in the kitchen, and re staining the kitchen cabinets

congrats!! house looks nice Bryan.

Looks exceptionally well kept from the photos, good find

dude, i work with the previous owner! he told me today he received an offer and was quite happy.

good job on snagging that puppy up, its a damn nice house :tup:

nice nice

It’s the lung cancer that you’ve got to watch out for. Radon is the number 2 cause of it, behind cigarettes. But I don’t think it’s very common around here.

House looks great. And just think, you don’t even have to build it! :tup:


haha small world…

is he a car guy @ all? he sure LOVES to organize his tools… but i didnt see anything that said CAR GUY, where do you work?

tell him i said hey and thanx for taking my offer…

they arent ready to move out until the end of june, so im gonna have to move back to my rents for 2 months, but the upside is ill have 3 months rent free to save $$ to do the floors and possibly reface the cabinets


Doesnt seem much like a car guy … but he is pretty meticulous with his stuff. He kept that house damn nice and i’m glad it went to someone that will keep it up and not some damn future forclosure family. And nothing wrong with saving $$ witht he rents for a few months, you may need it for the damn possible tax increase in lancaster thats all over the news now. Hopefully they resolve that though.

ironicly enough we work accross the street (even smaller world).

I was actually gonna go look at it on sunday but things came up, now i have to cross that off my list too :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks nice. Congrats.


remember: one project at a time and you’ll be fine.

Nice buy. I hope to find something nice like that soon, its a buyers market and interest rates are the lowest they have been since 1978.

good deal…

and really listen to the one project at a time ish… i did not and well i have like 15 things to do still


I finished off three yesterday (loose ends type stuff) and damned near had to celebrate!! Only… uhhh… hmmm 9 to go that are already underway.

Congrats man! :tup:

Nice house, and a free tent, talk about making out well on a deal

Nice house Bryan, in my old 'hood too (that I hope to move back to)