NYSpeed / OSYN Spring GTG! ArtPark in Lewiston, NY - Sunday, May 17th 2009

This is a meet that is happening in the next few weeks.

Details quoted here… there will be ALOT of WNY’er’s there and a fair bit of Canadians.

how far is it form here bing?

According to mapquest to the zip code of 14092 in Lewiston, NY it’s 1.30Hr’s away from my home in Etobicoke.

It’s just south of St. Catharines according to MQ…

Am I anywhere close to being right Bing?

You’re spot on!

This is almost right at the border (you can see the Queenston / Lewiston bridge in that pic above.)

It’s like 10 minutes from where the Niagara meet is held every year.

I know I’ll be seeing some of you guys there :slight_smile:

EDIT: And you don’t HAVE to register to show up since this is a free event, but we’d appreciate if you took the time to do so. We’d like to have a close-to-accurate number of cars. We’re expecting 100+ as it is!

If our cars are ready this would be close for us lol

I should be ready to go by then.

I would like to go. Anyone want to meet up in Toronto and cruise down?

Awesome! We need more 240s there. There are only 2 or 3 local guys with them.

i think im gona beable to make it

Mike if you go im down.

do you need a passport to cross the boarder yet? dont have a passport atm :frowning:

It’s going to be big for sure :slight_smile:

Bring grills and food if you want to cook out at the park. If not, there are several places to grab food near the park too.

We’re working on getting a HUGE group shot.

EDIT: Bing, do you want to lead the Canadian guys on a cruise down? Maybe have them meet at the Cozy or somewhere further north?

Nope. June 1st is the deadline, at least for US citizens.

ok awesome, this is super close to my place

if you have the new enhanced driver’s license that is enough to get over…

if you have a passport that does make it easiest… i always bring my passport.

if you guys want to meet at the Cosy before hand i am cool with that.

only problem is that i dont know how to get to art park…lol

yea ive got that license, id be down to cruise down with some people…

Click HERE to map directions to the park entrance.

22min from the Cozy :slight_smile:

meet at the Cosy at 11:30am?

nate, Mikey, S1DC…

who else?

i wanna come but my passport is expired

as mentioned, you dont need one… enchanced DL is enough.