NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days 2008 [Next Day: Sept 13th] *NEW: Track Timing System!*

I’ll be at the WalMart a little before 3pm then. See you guys there!

As per your PM I’ll be there closer to 2:35-2:40 traffic/bridge permitting :slight_smile:

i will probably get to walmart at around 2

^^ That’s real early man. Honestly, the earliest I’ll make it there will be 2:30 or so depending on traffic.

Looks like we’ve got some awesome weather again :tup:

Gorgeous day here, hope it’s the same up there :slight_smile: See everyone at 2:30, time to go finish tying down the car and organizing the trailer…

ive got a bbq in clarence and i plan to depart from there at 2, looks like a fun day, see you all there :wink:

roc guys left here a while ago. phili/brent

Phil went, it must be a jewish holiday?

all i have to say right now is the canadian border patrol people are fuckin idiots

Good times. More track time then I knew what to do with. Waiting for pizza and getting drunk with Moffitt and the Turk.

Yea, this was a ton-0-fun. Word of wisdom for others, don’t bring brake pads that are more than half worn…

Thanks again Josh for putting together another fun day at the track.

Running counter clockwise for sweet RWD cars> *


had a blast even though i losthad a coil pack take a shit on me 30 mins in. mofitttt took me for a ride in the z tho. that was a ton of fun. cant wait to go to the next track day.

e30 is dead again. :lol:

So what happened? They were mad cool when I came in (guy asked me to do a burnout… I opted for the negative). Coming out I just had to point to the two guys that had just come through with their trailers and say “I drove well enough that I can still drive my car home!” He chuckled and let me through.

SICK! hAd a blast!

anyone got pics or vids up yet?

Ill have a few crappy point and shoot pics today or tommarow

I wanna see!!!

Shit next time Im gonna come and take pics for you guys, work pwns me

The guy asks me where I was goin and y so u told him and he asks what car are u racing with so I tell him this one and he says y are you racing on 17’s? I told him cause its what the car came with. I don’t know y it matters anyway but then he asks me well how often do u race and I said not to often just when I can. He gives a smart remark saying yea I can see that…wtf?? So I’m like ok can I go but the he says to me that isn’t a miata an odd car to be racing??..now I’m thinkin that he’s a complete moron since he knows nothing and I was gettin irritated…if I didn’t really want to get into the country I would have said well isn’t a horse kind of odd to be using as a police car?? But I know I would be escorted out or something… He finally let me go thank god, he was an ass