NYSpeed Should Be...

Do you think people would use a completely off-topic locally-based forum?

As much as I would use NYSpeed for anything car-related, sometimes I think a completely separated off-topic site would help draw a clear line between “you can joke in this thread,” and “stay on topic in this thread.”

Some of us are better at saying nothing when it’s a car-related topic and not an off-topic thread, but others can’t help but add their 2 cents.

answer: perhaps, but the fact that most of us like cars there would obviously be car discussion. i like cars alright, but i also like other shit… cars are just the tie that binds, but not all encompassing… my life does not revolve around cars… life is OT…

Exactly, but it’s hard to imagine a completely non-focused forum attracting users. I guess O-T.net does well, but I’d want something local, something a little more intimate with people I at least know a little bit.

exactly. which is why OT should be pretty free and open… GA and tech they can moderate to shit as long as there is no favoring… like hating on the fbods and not civics and such… that’s why UBRF GA was so fucked…

I’m all in favor of separation and subforums. I have no need to read anything about certain car makers, etc., so I’d be happy with a Honda / Acura section and a Jeep section.

I like the separate Huge Nerd and NWS subforums. Keeps that stuff categorized.

Didn’t you and the .commers already find out the answer to this?

They made a site that was only spread by word of mouth, and only spread to a small group of people. I really don’t think I would bother trying to make a forum. I just think more subforums would help keep the junk out of the “real” topics.

Maybe some way to choose which forums you can’t see would help people not have to deal with the junk.

1 (go figure most of my posts are in ot though lol… shit sucks you in)

:word: Moderate the important forums, tech, GA, kills especially due to drama. But OT is just that. Unless someone is getting really mouthy or out of hand, i would say to let OT just do its thing. Who cares about drama. It is the internet, not real life.

When I sign on to an automotive forum, I sign on to read,discuss and learn about car related things.

When I sign on to a sports site, I read about the NHL, NFL, etc.

Wanna meet people? Go to some meets, or join myspace :lol:

I guess Off topic has it’s place, but there are just some people on here that simply don’t contribute anything to main focus of the forum…which is why you SHOULD be here. I think a lot of problems stem from these people.

I think that anything that is posted in off topic shoudn’t register on “new posts” when you click on it. Keep it seperate within the forum. That way you would have to go out of your way to click on OT as opposed to having it mix in with the car related material. I figure that most people click on “new posts” anyway, esp when you’re on here more then once a day.

the internet is real life. there is someone else on the other end. if you say to someone “fuck off, you’re a cunt” expect him to punch you in the mouth at the next meet… the same way he/she would had you said it to your face.

i think people take the forum a little too lightly. dont post something behind a keyboard you wouldnt say to someone face to face. this is a small town, and it will catch up to you.

then let it happen. if someone is going to get punched then they don’t need daddie (howie) and mommy (rubicant) to protect them…

it has happened :slight_smile:

but i think that where a lot of the drama comes from. these other posts arent from users, they are from people.

why haven’t i been punched yet?

You are right, it is a person on the other end. Personally, i dont tell people to “go fuck themselves” on the internet, but in real life, i would do it in a heart beat. Unfortunatly most people are the exact opposite and hide behind a monitor. Thats their perogative, and yes it will catch up with them eventually, buffalo is a very small city, and everyone knows each other somehow.

because you are fragile, and no one wants to shatter you

:word: I hate when people say, it’s just the internet. That may be true, but if you’re an asshole online, i’m prob not going to like you in person. How you act online also dictates the kind of person you are.


more people like me in real life but can’t stand my internet persona…

yeah, but my point holds water cause i think you’re kinda goofy online and in person :lol:

People know you which is why it’s tolerated. If everyone thought you were serious, you would probably have been slugged by someone.