NYSpeed Should Be...

I would like it to be a “core friends and members” type, invite only forum. People who actually work on thier own cars, go to races, who have something to offer, and isnt just here for socializing.

Tech & Motorsports based members and discussion.

not me, I just want to kill kill kill when i see you

I would say to an extent. I have meet lots of people from the boards. Some i thought would be cool, and they were jackasses, most that seemed like they would be idiots were actually pretty cool. Lets use the shining example of Beck. He is a tard on the interweb, but a decent guy in person.

I guess maybe its the attitude of, " oh i dont care if im asshole here because…"

maybe thats what bothers me most.:gotme:

you’d rather push a fat girl down some stairs… anyways, i still stand by the belief that OT should have low moderation… ban people from GA and tech, but leave the dumbasses here so i can make fun of them.

:word: that bothers the shit out of me too. There was a lot of that on the barf. Hence why i never post there anymore.

If WNYSCCA had better forum software…i’m pretty sure that’s what that would be

I think the off topic should be narrowed down a bit.
Instead of just off topic it should be called SOCIALLY RELEVANT OFF TOPIC and it should be policed accordingly.
Topics such as “cost of living” or “politics” or “terrorist attacks” or “natural disasters” are examples of socially relevant issues.
Irrelevant topics should be deleted such as “This guy passed a note to my girl friend in math class, if you see him kick his ass”.

My 2 cents.

Edit: a comedy forum would be fun for the latest jokes etc because everyone likes comedy.

I think everthing is fine :gotme: Banning of a few little kids when it is called for, and for the rest leave it alone. :tup:


someone passing a note in class is probably of more interest to me than a natural disaster… seriously… kicking a homeless guys ass in another state is far less appealing than someone local…

besides, what is socially relavent to you, i.e. being lame, bitching, whining, moaning, is not socially relavent to me, for instance: being sweet, general sweetness, making fun of old guys who talk to much, being sweet, being way sweeter than AWDrifter. So yeah, your idea is totally lame, and you are the joke forum.

that’s unpossible

:lmfao: * 9879734985734895793485

as a 99% off topic poster I have no say in this argument

but I like conversing with many of you and have had a lot of fun on here.

do what you want though.


Maybe you should post less in offtopic, and more about the cars you are interested in. :shrug:

I would… but I’d just get ridiculed because of the cars/trucks etc. I like. I don’t think people care to hear about 5th gen Montes or busted 4th gens. Maybe I’m wrong.

said users would get banned… quickly

i could do a very informative post on how to build a t bucket from scratch, with numerous suspension options and fraem designs to suit a wide range of options …

and noone would care … because noone here is going to be building a T-bucket …

which si why alot of people here know alot of stuff aout cars that they dont bother to share here, because its an interest thats better expressed on a board that focus’s on that sort of stuff …

whos to say no one is interested?

post it

fine, when the designs are finalized and organized, ill throw up a link to it and ill be happy to answer any questions

That’s exactly how I felt. But since I’ve been shown support here I’ll post more on what I like.