NYSpeed Track Day #2 - Feedback

Again, it’s obvious no one read the rules / regs PDF that I posted. So we’ll just need to take more time away from the driving to explain to people what they should already know.

And we had several experienced people there who could have instructed the new guys, but only one person wanted instruction :gotme: The next time we have a group of new people they are going to get instructors for the first session if they want them or not. If anything the instructors can remind them of what the flags mean.

I know I spent more time working on my car than I had hoped so I appreciate Sam, Rick, etc. running the flags and working the track.

It’s going to get better every time and we know what we need to refine. But if people still are not following the rules or if there is someone acting irresponsible on the track, they are going to be kicked out.

I Just wanted to comment on a few things. You weren’t there for the drivers meeting I don’t think, because we did go over a few of these things.

The red flags were put out more often than the yellow because people would run off the 1st turn and put rocks and debris all over the 2nd. Someone needed to get out there to check the damage, and no one wants to run out on the track (especially when the new group is up) on a yellow-flag to check out the corner.

People were obviously not looking at the flagger until the front straight. By that time everyone would be parked in a line and there wasn’t much you could do. But that should be no excuse because you can see the flagger from many points on the course (It’s not THAT big) and while yes you need to focus on your driving and the course, you need to pay attention to what’s going on around you.

I was out for one of those red flags where no one stopped. Since no one was stopping and there were people behind me, rather than pull off where I might get hit I kept driving slow as if it was a yellow. So I understand why some people would drive around to the front straight, but I know it’s mostly just because they were not paying attention.

Everyone was supposed to use pointbys. I thought we had explained that well enough to the new group. No one should have been passing without a pointby, not even in the 2nd experienced group.

This is what we tried to do. The first run group was the new group, the 2nd was experienced (again, I think you missed the drivers meeting.) And again, we asked who wanted instruction an only one person raised their hand.