NYSpeed Track Day #2 - Feedback

I was just showing that transponders don’t cost excessive amounts of money (this is a discussion we had at the trackday. Were you there? No. :roll: ) The link was presented for those parties that were involved with that discussion because I said I would find some links for them.

Check the title under my avatar. :meh:

And the answer to that question is no. Since you are obviously using selective reading to start some drama, here it is for you again:

Back to the subject at hand, which is NYSpeed trackday feedback i.e figuring out a way to make things safer and more organized.

There were def. too many stop/starts…that made it really hard to get a groove going and get in some good laps…if someone is off and on in turn one I don’t think a red or black flag is necessary, a simple yellow would do…maybe combine that with a “if you see a lot of debris on the turn hit the 4-ways” that way you could avoid 90% of the stops and only red flag if the track needs cleaning.

Is there an alternate pit entrance? the location was really poor, one around the sweeper turn would make getting cars off the track without distrupting the cars behind it a lot easier.

Car spacing wasn’t too much of an issue, but it needs to be more clear that if you give a point by, BACK THE FUCK OFF and let the person pass…yeah I can pass you while you’re WOT but it’s a shitload less stressful if you would back off a little.

I also have no idea how long you waited after I took it out for a session, but I garuntee that had something to do with it.

Well with only one person (sometimes 2) working the track, that would be impossible. Given the circumstances, Red flag was really the only way to do it, as only one person (sometimes 2) was actually keeping an eye on the entire track, looking out for vehicles in trouble, etc. However, if we could get some more flags, and have say maybe 5 or 6 people placed in different spots around the track, we could definitely cut down the number of stops/use yellow flags more.

It was my observation however, that many people seemed to “not see the flags” for whatever reason. This made things difficult. If you can’t see the flag (because you are too busy driving), then how would you see an off car or accident before it was too late? The moajority of the people there didn’t have the experience necessary to keep aware of there surroundings. They were too busy trying to stay in control of their cars.

Unfortunately, there is no alternate pit entrance unless you want to go off-roading. Another thing that bothered me is the exit to the chicane was extremely close to pit in. Due to the size of the track, anyone coming into the pits during the last turn/ straight would kill anyone else’s run up the front straight just due to room constraints. I’m not sure how this can be addressed or improved, at least with people new to the track. It’s not a problem for guys that have been there a few times before, but the newer people didn’t seem to grasp that if cars were behind them, and they were heading to the pits, they needed to hustle (controlled), not crawl to the pit in.

How many times did I tell people to allow others to pass when a point by was given?

  • I mentioned it in the first drivers meeting

  • I mentioned it after the first two runs

  • I mentioned it again just before the last two runs.

I won’t even get into the other things I saw happen up there because people didn’t read. We even made a checklist of what to check on your car before you take it on the track, and suggestions on how to decide what to change if necessary. People skipped that too :meh:

People don’t listen. :gotme: This goes back to the PDF, and people not reading the PDF. It explained all that in detail. What we may have to do in the future is (I hate to say it) get people up there a half hour earlier, and have a longer driver’s meeting to READ THE NYSPeed TRACK DAY FAQ TO THEM, since they obviously can’t be trusted to do it on their own. :slight_smile:

Josh and I really wanted to avoid doing that, but I guess we just can’t win.

whens the next one? :x I just got my tires mounted on my rims so I didn’t get a chance to go to this one. Hopefully it’s before winter hits! new tires make my car feel much better lol.

$50 for a shit small track that I like the layout of vs $100-150 for a shit small track that I dont like the layout of that I cant take my track car to


Depending on the number of cars, its around $80 Canadian. It actually has a straight. But we all are entitled to our opinions . I like dunville as well because of the number of turns. Both tracks offer a little bit of everything.