NYSpeed Track Day #2 - Feedback

The cone I ate the 1st time didn’t really change the line that much…now by the end of the day that shit was wide the fuck open…

I def. need to invest in a transponder system since stop watch times are easily .5 seconds off from lap to lap

I wish my cam battery lasted longer too…I only have my first 3 laps out recorded

1:12 should IMO be a consistant time w/ my evo or sam and zongs STi’s…high single digit 1 minute times are doable for sure, I think there’s a way to take the big turn before the chicane flat out almost the entire way…Entering the chicane @ ~105 is where I’d like to be, instead I think I was entering around 90ish

Did somebody say TRANSPONDER?

My bf has 4 or 5 of those AMB personal transponders, but they are used to RC car racing.

Click on “ebay Motor”. Not all of them are used for RC :wink:

I know, but does the track have a loop installed that will allow you to use a personal transponder and give lap times…?

Well im pretty sure they do but ofcourse you would prob have to tell them your using your own, correct.

Then don’t time lap to lap, time the whole session and then divide by the number of laps.

There is no AMB loop decoder there. The best idea, as already posted by Nick, would be the Hot Lap system;

That is, unless you want to spend the $10,000 for all the neccessary equiment and software, clicking on the “ebay Motor” link is kinda useless :wink:

Base System

TranX2 EL Decoder with cabling $7109.00
Loop set for tracks up to 20m (65 ft) includes coax and connectors $630.00


Orbits 3 Race Timing Software $2275.00

Timing with your footage should be more accurate than stopwatch if you have digital video that you can slowsearch and pause at a single point of the track (cone, etc.), then subtract times. I try to get as accurate as pausing while the cone is “touching” my hoodscoop on the video :lol:

Of course, nothing will be as accurate as a transponder.

c’mon, how accurate is that, we know that scooby hood scopes have their own zip code, time zone, and could be partial responsible for tidal flooding…

Rick, my flagging comments are not a shot at you in any means. Just some constructive critisim on what I thought could be improved for next time. As you saw at the track, I can be a bit blunt with how I see a situation and I know I was still a bit red when I typed up my last response.

Josh, I agree, everyone in run group 1 should have someone go out with them the first session (if possible of course). At the very least it allows them to ask questions and learn the basics. I might knock run group 1 down to 10 minutes of “get to know/basics” and then have a full session for run group 2. I dunno about only one person asking for help, I only spent ~5 minutes out of a car the whole day and I only drove the boxster and the e30 for a few laps each. I know I rode with atleast 4 people.

I think i could do 1:12 in my Evo but like i said I wasnt there to impress anyone or run for times. With a good suspension low 1 min marks are do-able In the chicane I got it up to 95-97ish without hitting any cones. I think I was about 75% open throttle going into it. Next time we should look into Cayuga track, its a bit more money but we get it for the whole day.

Hell ya, it was a good time cooking. It was nearly as fun as when I had the S2000 out there. I’ll definitely be game to be talked into doing it again.

Ok, let’s clarify:

1)The reason I said click the ebay Motors for the AMB timing system is because many of the major tracks use or can integrate those transponders. You don’t need to buy all that excess equipment because the tracks already have it in the infrastructure. A transponder is all you need. If you start taking your car out to big tracks for lap times, AMB is the way to go.

  1. Dunville (and many other small tracks) don’t have loops because they are too expensive, or there is some ordinance forbidding it (political town bullshit or something), or they would rather not encourage it. You can still use a standalone system like Hotlap, although I can think of even cheaper systems like the XT Timers that I used when racing motorcycles (large database, 2000 lap count, etc etc). Transmitter can run off of AA batteries or a 12V brick, setup LOS.

  2. The NYSpeed trackdays in general (IMHO) should not be the time or place to be making time attacks. It is for improving your driving. Maybe what we should do is setup a different track day specifically for time attack runs. I don’t think stopwatches or transponders should be allowed during a regular trackday, especially with inexperienced people that have never done wheel- to -wheel competition in their lives. Once you start involving a timing system, wheel to wheel is inevitable. Besides, how can you have legit times where your best lap may be held up because you don’t get a point-by?

(Note: It doesn’t matter how many track days or schools you went to, wheel to wheel is a totally different animal)

although i was not driving, i agree that this is not the time or place to do time attacks. If you were to do such a thing, you should do it like a qualifying lap, where you let 1 car on the track at a time for like 3 or 4 laps then they come in and the next car goes out. Also, I don’t think ANYONE should be allowed to drive there without having completed the SCCA Novice School AND have at least 2 or 3 SCCA events under thier belt. I know after riding around for a few laps, i sure as hell would not be pushing my car that hard if it was my first time and I wouldnt want that to be the place I learned. I realize you guys were making the best possible use of the flags and ‘staff’ that was available, but another suggestion for next time would be to get some more voulenteers to work the track and have flags posistioned around the track. if that doesnt work, then we need to get a better system in place to warn drivers, because i would be willing to bet that 90% of the time, by the time a driver comes around to where they can see the red flag or the yellow being sidplayed on the front stretch, they already passed the incedent, so it becomes redundant at that point.

just my .02 from the observations i made as a spectator and passenger.

So you said do #1 because it can’t be done with #2 and #3?

Or are you just showing off that you know how to use ebay?

So the place that encourages street racing, even has a street racing ladder, is not the place to break out a stop watch for a few laps?

IMO Cayuga is a waste of money. It’s no better than Dunnville for most people and personally I dislike it. It has no higher speed/challenging corners other than turn 1, and every braking zone is in a straight line. Cayuga would be better for drifting but personally I think in terms of flow and interesting corner combos they were brain dead when they designed it.

Read what I wrote a few pages back.

In order to maintain the same average speed I’d have to run a 1:04 lap time at dunnville to my 1:27 lap time @ TMP :gotme:

So it’s clearly the faster track

The only interesting corner combo @ Dunville is, iirc, turn 5 & 6

Neither course has much flow since they’re both very tight…

Woah, boiled brakes on a boxster?

Ayup. It was funny when my boyfriend realized what happened…he was proud of me for maning up and pushing the car as hard as I did.

Granted, I have no idea what brake fluid is in there (it’s still the stuff that came in her when I bought her), so it could have very likely just been crap fluid. Gonna drain them within the next week or so and put in Super Blue.

I had the time of my life on friday, thanks to anyone who had a pice of advice to offer, my eyes are deff open to track now, cant wait till next meet.