NYSpeed Track Day

my spot is for sale.:frowning:

Are we organizing a drive up?

i hope so ^^^

I am going to buy baldys spot, werd!

I sent it to you.

Got it, and it works thanks!

Yes we’ll have a cruise up :tup:

So POOPRA takes Baldy’s spot

EvoMR takes SI01’s spot

Who else had a spot for sale?

Cruise up FTW

I think Nikuk still has his spot for sale if anyone wants it.

i know my borther is thinking about going now that his roll bar and suspension is in but hes working right now

Im trying to sell my spot, but if noone buys it i could still try to make it. IDK… Theres just so much i need to do, and im really busy as of late.

tis true

when my bro gets out of work ill have him post up

i know my one buddy was interested with his tsi…i can find out, if theres still a spot for sale

I’ll be a passenger for this event. I can’t wait to meet you guys and see some good runs out on that track.

turbo SHO won’t be done in time selling my spot if anyone is interested.

what time are we going to be meeting up for the ride up?

If i didn’t just sell my car, i would totally buy that spot. damn it all…

shit shit shit. i may be forced to work now. i will find out for sure tonight when i go in. if i cant make it i will probably just GIVE my spot away, id hate to see it go to waste.

we’re droppin like flies.

Right now it looks like I’ll be there, but codriving Brent_strong’s S2k. :frowning: I enjoy the car but I wanna drive the 951. :frowning: