NYSpeed Track Day

sold to sio1


well, i just purchased some new brembo rotors with pbr ulimates for the bimmer. It needed new brakes anyway.

Had another day there yesterday - fun fun fun. As soon as I get the chance I’ll have the final info posted up :tup:

are there going to be instructors, or could opne fo you veterans ride along with me cause im a road track n00b…have had my fun i9n the twisties but from what im told its a little differant… dont worry i will be on my best behavior(sp?)…intense98rt is trusting me to dirve his car so… i think this is going to be alot of fun, i want to learn…

oh snap the turbo should be done by then, hopefully i trust the car for the trackday :slight_smile:

Taking a quick glance down the list, Rick and MPD will be good sources of instruction. Onyx has done a few track days and so have I. Seattime is the most important part, just have someone ride with you your first few laps and you should be fine.

^^alright thankx man for the info

having someone that is familiar with the car/track is nice to have for the first session

does anyone think this will run similar to ubrf’s trackday? everyone ran for the first 2 sessions then the field slowly thinned by the 3rd session and i ended up getting around 10 sessions on the track. I would run till my ranny got hot then let it cool then get back on and tear it up some more.

prolly not…less time more people

OK guys here it is:

Right Click, Save As HERE - NYSpeed Track Day Rules / Regulations - PDF File

Everyone needs to download, read, print and sign this form!

The course and facility are being further improved and upgraded as we speak - they are adding several new sections to the track and we might have several course configuration options available when we get there!

Just under 1 month away! :tup:

how do you want to get the forms back?

Umm… it says bring them the day of right in there :slight_smile:

All drivers are to hand in their filled out tech form & sign waivers, as well as a signed copy of this document (see last page) to affirm that it was indeed read.

I can no longer go.

My engine mount broke on my 6, and it won’t be fixed in time

My spot is now available.

Anybody want to hook me up with a ride up there? I’ll pay a little gas…I mainly want to go to shoot some video and take some pictures, but I don’t trust my new :snky: to make the ride.

i might have room articzap… pm me

If anyone can’t go and is looking to sell their spot, please PM me.


I was just informed that work > me, and as such, my spot is for sale.

PM me.

Quickest sale ever. Spot is gone.

To who? I need to update my list.