NYSpeed Track Day

Spot for sale.

whats going on for the drive up.

I’ll post a cruise up later tonight :tup:

Is anyone bringing a camcorder? Would I be able to borrow it for a few laps? My 15 year old minicam was KIA.

ill have my camera and camcorder but i kinda need a ride there first.

Provided an act of god doesnt get my car back together. I’ll be driving my Jeep up in the cruise, I might have a spare seat or two (yes, full seats, as I’ve emptied the jeep out) to get someone up there. But cannot garuntee a ride back.

thats not really helpful ^^ lolololol

If you take the Jeep, you want to stop by Bings and get your tent?

Selling my spot if anyone wants it…

i hope the cruise up isn’t too early in the day, looks like i’m not gonna have what i need til thursday, and i wont be able to fix anything until friday morning lol…

i feel like i’m an episode of monster garage…minus all the coolness

me too

CLICK HERE for Cruise Thread

My spot is up for sale as well. Unfortunately work is getting in the way of my fun on Friday :frowning:

Josh just to let you know for grouping the field I will be rocking my s4, not the supra, if it even matters.


It looks like we’re going to have to setup the groups when we get there.

I might try to make it out…Though I think my tires will be the death of me. I’ll let you know Josh

Oh, and everyone remember to print out the form on the 1st page of the track day thread, bring it and sign it!

hows it going to work if more than one person is driving the same car…ie. myself and intense98rt, i massuming him and i just gotta seperate the time his car is on right?

You obviously didn’t read this thread then…

Anyone who has not read the rules / regs PDF WILL NOT be going on the track.

Because if you haven’t read it, you will not know the procedures of the track and I’m not going to explain everything over again and hold up people in your run group. Or worse, have you get out there and run into someones elses car because you didn’t know what to do when someone wants to pass.

I’m saying it now so that when you get there and I ask for the form that you were supposed to read and sign, and you won’t tell me “whaaaat? I never read that…”

It’s been posted for a MONTH.