NYSpeed Track Day

c’mon now, people reading what they are suppose to so they have a clue as to what is going on…

Why are you having the sessions by car and not by driver? With the 30 minute sessions driver A could get in 20 minutes and then exchange with driver B in time to grid for the next session.

I would be more than happy to allow someone to co-drive the NX, but limiting time of sharing sessions is not feasible.

Individual cars have been registered for this event not drivers. Track time will be divided
among the number of cars entered not the number of drivers. This means that if you plan
to share your car with another person you will be sharing your on track time.

Sessions are by car because for each person who payed, it was assumed they were bringing 1 car. Since we had 24 cars / people who payed total, and only 12 cars can be on the track at a time, if someone from the first group of 12 tried to give their car to a friend and let him run in the 2nd we would be at 13 cars for that 2nd run group since the 12 spots are already taken.

In other words, if 2 people wanted to run 1 car in both sessions, they would need to pay for 2 spots.

If you have a 2nd driver, you’ll be sharing your 30 minutes sessions with him. (15 for Driver A, 15 for Driver b, or 30 min / 30 min, or however you want to deligate the total time.)

However if there is someone out there who’s car isn’t done yet (and they paid for a spot) and yet another person willing to give their car to that first person to use, then we could have that same car in both A and B sessions.

Well, I am going to have to leave early. If I get in with the first group of cars, I’ll be leaving at 6:30. so that leave 2 runs someone else can have or if theres someone that is getting there late and is in the second group. we could swap.

i wont be going the SHO isn’t ready if anyone wants to buy my spot.

that was my question…so myself and intense98rt have to work it out, sorry bout my previous question, i have read the rules…

taking MaximaSE98’s spot

ecoshardcore will be taking carnut’s spot

both using same car in different sessions.

beat me to it.

Sweet :tup:

what should drivers bring besides the paper work and a helm?

Everything you need to know (what to bring, not to bring) is in the PDF… 'cmon guys just read it already.

Note that STEALTTH has purchased my spot next time you update the list.


Taking me for a lap around dunnville could count as that ride I’m owed :wink:

so is anyone going to be getting there late? and want to swap a couple sessions since i have to leave early? that way we both get the whole amount of time on the track?

In addition to the manditory stuff you may want to consider the following:

sunblock (forecast is cloudy though)
sunglasses (the sun will be low on the horizon during the end of track time)

here is check list:



though I must warn you, the tires aren’t so hot :frowning:

Thats OK, oversteer is always fun lol

especially when it turns into overandaround steer :lol:

I will be bringing a box of couplers to sell if people have any problems.

also, probably a case or two of crunk juice and of course stickers!

is the doc on the first page the only one needed to be signed and read? the doc said something about a tech form? is that somewhere in this thread? i couldnt find it.

“All drivers are to hand in their filled out tech form & signed waivers as well as a signed copy of this document”