NYSpeed Track Day

There won’t be a tech form for this event. The only other thing you will need to sign you won’t get until we are there tomorrow.

hey jon…making some killer chicken for our lunch before we leave at intense98rt’s house…come on over

Yeah, terminal oversteer isn’t always fun :lol:

i just realized we have no crunk left here at Hybrid Connection :frowning:

Booooooooo… I wanted to try some!

I’m looking over the list of people we have going right now and we have a lot of people who have never been to a track or auto-x… It’s a good thing, but we’ll have to play around with the run groups I think so that the experienced people don’t get stuck driving an obstacle course :slight_smile:

Correction, we have 14 crunk’s!

Call me a noob but…crunk juice?




^^ Betta keep tat ish cool!!!

is wny scca loaning helmets for this track day?


zapped, for the people that dont have helmets. Ill be bringing one to sell if anyone wants :wink:

I think the secret ingredient is a bit of Lil’ Jon himself.

I think I’ll pass :slight_smile:

so, ummmm… yeah.

I guess first and foremost I would like to apologize to Andy. As a passenger in my car I am responsible for your safety and well being. For that I failed, and I am sorry.

Other than that it was a good day. The car will be easily fixed and all things consider it recieved very little damage. That’s why I have a tow vehicle and trailer and not a nice street car.

As far as the whys and why nots, I really don’t know. I went through there (the chicane) 20 or more times before without lifting, this was no different. Maybe I was just going 2mph too fast, maybe pedal feel went away, maybe I just braked too hard. I keep replaying it in my head and can not think of any other way the scenario could have played out once I was committed to the braking zone. In any instance I was leaving very little to no room for error, and with a passenger that is no way to drive.

Again, my apologies.

yeah…my first day at the track.

Did pretty well.
The track rocks
had an awesome time :tup:

it was an awsome time… even leaving at 7

i wouldnt worry about it fairgentleman, least we all got a story now with everyone safe haha :tup:

was an awesome day, way better then i expected since there was barely any cars. thanks for being noob friendly everyone.

just want to say thanks to onyx again for making it happen and thanks to fairgentleman, stealth, and joe for the rides :smiley:

Mirror count = 4. :lol:

I’ve got a lot of in-car video, I’ll post up my fastest laps when I get them on the computer.

Yeah 3 mirrors erased
1 mirror scratched
1 lucky S.O.B who hit the big cone thing with his mirror and didnt have any damage :lol: ahem zong