they would be funny as hell…
someone make a template…
they would be funny as hell…
someone make a template…
2.5" X 3.5" @ 300DPI
Can someone host the PDF?
pic of car(s) on front or actual user? rares commons uncommons inserts??? how do we stop from counterfeiting?
:lol: Where are these crazy ideas coming from lol
yah, great idea…
hahahahahhahahahhah omg
we also need rookies and all stars
and cards with small actual pieces of the persons car on them hahah
and then some type of magazine to determine worth (this is where it could get funny and offensive)
if ne1 wants me to make them a card jsut send me your info and proper pics in a pm
in for the small actual pieces of the cackord.
THere’s soemthing seriously wrong when a Dood has camel toe!! :bloated: