NYSpeed Watkins Glen (IRL) Showcase - Discussion & Photos

They couldn’t even handle the stench you let down after playing Mariah Carey on the jukebox lol.

awsome pics guys, Im def going next year

only a few of them look over-exposed to me. Most came out cool.

looked like fun…

not upset i didnt go though.

Wake up!!!

They were sleeping like death as Indy cars were screaming by at full throttle. I was amazed.
Tent packed with people all weekend
Dinner with everyone
Josh is that a fish stick or are your really happy to see me?
My beautiful wife and I excited for track time!!!
A surprisingly badass… Camry?
Bing making the most girly noise that has ever blown out my ear drums

:lol: hey man cut me some slack i was all hopped up on meds all weekend! :slight_smile:

i knew those pics would make their way onto here lmao

i don’t know how you slept through that noise, i was actually impressed

thanks? i think haha its actually a good thing i did get some sleep there because i don’t think i would have made the drive home then… speaking of which on the way back to geneva myself , the spec v and lotus got pulled over at a police checkpoint for no front plates… guy was cool though and let us go after we told him we had just come from the car show at the race :tup:

my excuse is that loud cars are a regular occurence… it’s IRL afterall… not badass enough to keep me awake… i couldnt sleep through F1 though.

That’s funny… I took a cat nap at F1 at Indy one year in the infield golf course. (during practice 2)

Damn, I totally forgot to jack that Camry for it’s rims … but that first lap we did in that and the Tundra, Shit was quick

so wait who had that silver r33?!?!?!? looks like its a gts-t too. whats the scoop on that?

lol it was garbage, and no one from here

word on the street was the guy was quite the douche bag.

oh and on the way home I “raced” an eclipse. He told me his 527hp eclipse was at home, and that I should remove my heat shield cause its rattling lol

he was excessively moronic. made for a few good laughs.

Thankfully 98% of the tent visitors didn’t know any better. And he was only parked there a couple hours at most.

the funniest thing to me was that since it was an automatic he covered up the shifter hahaha smooooth…

hahaha it was auto!?!? Thats awesome

…with fake GTR badges peeling off the sides…

and he kept telling people it has a 70 shot of NAAAAAAWS

I took 2 hour naps on both Friday and Saturday. The sound of the cars actually put me to sleep haha.