NYSpeed Watkins Glen (IRL) Showcase - Discussion & Photos

yes you did and people would look in the car and start laughing at you


We were sitting up inthe grand stands for a bit during qualifying on Friday. Somehow my wife managed to fall asleep, and snooze through the classics & the GrandAm cars… I was shocked. But we were up all night so :shrug:

playing scrabble?

Upwords. :slight_smile:

An equally awesome game.

I think next year I’m gonna set myself a more strict itinerary, and spend more time at the track seeing what more kind of things i can see / people to talk to.

Ok time for some pictures.

These aren’t anywhere near all of them,. Dan still has to give me my damn pictures off his MacBook.

Getting to the track Friday morning.

Some stuff of Joes Car…

Josh giving a :tup: lol


Getting on the track Friday night. I wish I was able to get more pics during this. It was hard to take pictures when everyone spaced out.

Pace Truck hauling ass. (seriously it was surprising how fast this thing was moving.)

Lining up. (notice MPD in the bottom right)

Hai ginger!

Had to throw this in here. His hair is ON FIRE!!

The 350Z that MPD and Moffit were crewing for.

Miata in that class

Crashed Mini. I apparently JUST missed the crash as I was walking over. Damn it!

Playboy Bimmer

Turner Motorsports Bimmer

And some random sexyness of the tent cars.

And the most professional photographer at the entire event…

MUCH more tonight…

EDIT - MPD, if your crew chief wants some pics of that 350z, I made sure to take a shitload of it. So I have plenty more that I’ll post tonight.

lol @ the last pic.

The turner BMW isnt an M3

I have nice form

  1. I don’t see paulo claim it was.
  2. is an ST car so it wouldn’t be
  3. its no shit its a 330. OMG LETS FREAK OUT ABOUT IT

you said it was an m3…

freak out a little bit more, its not like i friggin flamed u

meh, we spent very little of the weekend @ the track. Granted there was stuff to do, things to partake in, and sights to see, but i found much more interesting stuff away from the track.
we spent friday in corning, fri night out partying a bit, sat on a wine tasting / scenic tour (:gay2: I know), sat night out & about and then sunday @ the track until we bounced 1/2way through the race.

Thats a Turner M3… turner had 4 cars there

good stuff Paulo, can’t wait to see the rest i know you took a TON

Just the stuff I have on my comp now, totals 997 pictures. I’m not sure how many are left on Dans comp, but I think it’s over 300 lol.

FUCK that’s alot of pics to go through. Alot are just bogus pictures from panning, but still, it takes a shitload of time to go through and delete what I can’t use.

I’m not entirely happy with that batch, could have been sharper(the close up stuff was with a f1.8 lens that I have to manually focus, so those are usually softer), but I know I have a bunch of really clear panning shots from race day, and some other stuff to go through.

It’s not :gay2:

There are a lot of great things to do around there.
The park is the best kept secret.
The wine being the best fun.:jam:

Did anyone hit up the go-karts? That is always fun too.

I wish I could have gone.:frowning:

I was kidding. I expected the wine tasting / tour to be meh / cool… it turned out to be ALOT of fun. Definatly a great way to expand horizons a bit. The wife just loved the whole experience too.

That country is friggin beautiful.

Didn’t hit the gokarts, or any local attractions… didn’t spend a whole lot of time in any given town over the weekend. We stayed in Geneva, but only hit up a couple of restaurants. We never really stopped in Watkins Glen on the way.

Not to be more:gay2: but this place is great too.


yea, we saw that… there a quite a few castles.

also, IIRC Bing & Woody hit up a couple of the golf courses, and throught well of them

Yeah, there are lots of OTHER great things to do down in the area. I would’ve liked to had I not been busy with the 350z team. Since it was pretty much just me working on it with one other guy and the other people waxing the car…

Cant wait for more pics Paulo, you missed me in the full nomex fire suit during the race :wink:

ooooh. Get it back and pose in it. lol. Like Danica.