NYSpeed will love this v.cubancrisis ***PICS***

i am not in no means really sticking up for cuban, but stating what i know, i dont like either parties that much so , i guess it don’t matter… i could really care less if chino never gets paid back… which seems like which seems what will happen. And i was confused this morning i ment to said bandwagong. thanks for the correction. from now on forth i will look towards you for spelling and grammer checking.

you just seem to have a personal grudge against me there cheif. evrey chance you get to point out at me or get to kick me in the shins, you step up out of your way to make sure you make that post with the smart ass comment. Am i wrong? i could do a search and see how many times you quote some one else busting my balls about something and you agreeing.

You’re welcome. Actually, I copied and pasted this into Microsoft Word to do a spelling and grammar check and my work computer exploded.

(Maybe I should buy Jim’s PC back from sexual orientation Crisis.)

I “bust on your balls” because you stick your foot in your mouth a whole shitload. I bust on ANYONES balls who makes a douchebag of themselves, don’t think that I’m singling you out honey, you’re not special. Notice what you said :

evrey chance you get to point out at me or get to kick me in the shins, you step up out of your way to make sure you make that post with the smart ass comment.

Stop giving me so many chances then.
Only when you say something wrong, do something stupid. If you do/say more stupid things than normal, I will strike thee with great vengance and call you out more than any usual person.

PS. Chief, Bandwagon (for the second time), meant. *say

Let me know when you want me to start attacking you personally.

ding ding ding


hold on let me open up ms word.

He was at my store a few weeks ago giving one of my employees a load of bulshit about his sick car and how he isn’t from here and blah blah blah I’m so fing cool. I knew who it was the whole time I had to walk as far away so he didn’t hear me laughing my ass off to myself over what a tool he is. After he left I told the guy he was talking to what a bulshitter he was. It made my day he is so full of shit!


this thread is awesome


an eclipse stock is a sick car? :gotme:

my penis gets bigger everytime i open this thread

correction, siiiiiiq

Dos, how the fuck do YOU know what YOU are talking about? Are you involved on this transaction any more than anyone else here?

Fuckface still owes me money, he knows he still owes me money, he is still a broke piece of shit that will duck out of paying me back any chance he gets. You want to defend him? Pay his fucking debt and talk all the shit you want, I could care less.

I didn’t bring this thread back up, nor did I create the other one, I have however heard that cuban managed to scrape enough pennies together to move his ass back to buffalo, so it should be even easier for him to actually pay up now.

i am aware that he paid you 650, and that was the original agreement. That what i was told, if it was 900 then it is 900 and he still owes you 250 Simple as that. I am not taking any ones sides here, just stating facts i know.

The original agreement was NEVER 650.

The selling price was 900 dollars.

The thread probably still exists I just don’t feel like finding the FS thread which I think was on UBRF?

Nice “facts” Dos. My point exactly…

If you want to ride someone’s dick, call newman.

If you want to ride someone’s sack, at least know what the hell you are talking about.

Who were you told by?

I could venture a guess :slight_smile:


did he buy the “whole” system? or just the pc?

I venture to guess that the source is an unbiased third party. A mutual friend between the two parties involved. One that has nothing to gain by telling lies!