NYSpeed will love this v.cubancrisis ***PICS***

HA-HA you stupid fuckface! :wink:

I take back my Champion of the douche bags… You are now the champion of those who want attention… :stuck_out_tongue:

what a tool, and that chick is soo not hot

Check annnnnnnnnnnd check.


:tup: he’s a noob too, makes it even more fun to harass him

wtf does this kid actually believe his own bullshit?

hahahah wtf

it gets better, he’s trying to convince all the mods that he is not cuban crisis and we jus have a case of mistaken identity

A rather piss poor attempt to boot.

lol at DrDos’s attempt at claiming Cuban doesn’t owe anymore money :lol:


to bad u really don’t know what you’re talking about. But since you are a banwagon jumper you might as well join.

what are you even talking about?

-I thought the kid paid chino back. I said he should be allowed on.
-He didn’t pay chino back. I said i retract my statement, and he should remain banned.

Go bang another fat old married lady. :wink:

cool out man

the dude sucks, and we dont want him in “our house”

keep acting like an ass and you can join him

OK, so cuban did pay chino back? Or is chino lying?

PS. Want to start with personal attacks? Okie Dokie.

PPS. Your nuts are the last thing I want to swing on. You might want to get off Cuban’s nuts, since you seem know everything.

hey retard, im talking about you too.

of course u like me, youre gay. im just the heterosexual version of you. but much cooler.

i actually know a girl who cuban dated for a while… mmm hmm… that is all i will say. and a buddy of mine used to be friends with him. i told cuban to fuck off one day b/c he was being a complete asshat. he challenged me saying he knows tae kwon do and ju-jit-su and all this shit. he was a black belt karate master. HAHAHA. yeah, obviously he didn’t know any of it. lol

especially since everytime he comes back, he lurks for a short time and then types his posts in the EXACT SAME way …“stupid idea…” “stupid idea…” “hey guys wanna hang out lets share a pizza im a loser…” “stupid idea…”


I didn’t know a “banwagon” existed, but after reading this thread it seems like a late-fall cleanup could be beneficial to alot of us :slight_smile:

Maybe you meant bandwagon. If you did I’m not sure how it applies. Jim is a friend, who happened to hook me up with my job, and who I’d like to see get paid.

You need to relax and take a shot of wheat grass…


Oh, didn’t see the quote lol, I thought you were calling me a retard… and calling yourself a heterosexual version of me?

Last I checked I like females. Of age females.


= this thread.

Did that trainwreck pic just change? wtf?

PS. Dos since you’re so butt buddy buddy with Cuban go tell him to pay chino back.