O dear...old people = the suck

WTF do u work for the AARP or something???

time have changed people dont have the time they use to. people have to work 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. what do u expect people to quit their jobs, lose their house/ apartment to take care of someone that needs attention 24/7. if they cant take care of themselves y are they even driving ???

get a clue, we hate them because they think they know what they are doing when they dont and make stupid decisions which lead to things like this and many accidents such as plowing through a mall.

my grandfather needed taking care of before he died from lung cancer and my mother would always call off of work to take care of him when needed. she would sleep over at their house at night all the time and pick up late shifts at work to make up for the time lost. she finally could not do it anymore and we had to put him into hospice where he died 3 days later. and mind you my dad was working over time and me and my sister were in school. so tell me where the fuck is the time to take care of someone like that!!!

its people like you that make things like drivers test for the elderly not happen “oh we dont want to offend anyone” “oh we dont have a certain age where driving starts to go bad it would be discrimination” yea tell that to the people that were killed from the elderly causing car accidents and they dont even get a slap on the wrists for it