Oakville/Hamilton Meets?

wait maybe it was him those rims looks familiar, i don’t know, its been a while since i’ve seen the car, i thought they were gold wire rims i could be wrong, but i know for a 100% fact he is always hanging out with a tricked out black prelude

i think i have seen that car rolling around black hatch sr powered type x wing? gold rims kouki tails
an amazing car good job to whom owns it

Just wanted to let people know in the Hamilton Stoney Creek area that Sunday night at 8ish, everyone is starting to meet up at the beach by Hutches again.
Last night lots of cars were there… usual crazy burnouts and showing off till the cops came around 9:30… So just letting people know

Hey, i was just wondering is there gonna be a meet tomorrow ?? (april 30)

Just wanted to let people know in the Hamilton Stoney Creek area that Sunday night at 8ish, everyone is starting to meet up at the beach by Hutches again.
Last night lots of cars were there… usual crazy burnouts and showing off till the cops came around 9:30… So just letting people know

Hey, i was just wondering is there gonna be a meet tomorrow ?? (april 30)

Ya that would be me. I’m always with the guy with the prelude, he’s a good friend of mine.

Hopefully my car will see the street by june.

And ya they are d2’s, not wire wheels.

I drove by a few of hte parking lots in Stoney Creek last night (in the am) (except the beach) and didn’t see any 240sx’s, oh well.

lol my bad about the rims didn’t see the car for a bit so going off shitty memory :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice car man, personally i think its the best one i have ever seen

hope to see it on the road soon

thanks. Parts should be here monday evening hopefully and the car should be off to the body shop this week and then when thats done ready for the road untill the clutch is ready to be done