Obama: Car related

A model airplane glue sniffing fairy broke into your house and knocked up your sister?


yup, i’ll be uncle bob on aug 16th

WOW just WoW…the lunacy on this forum is unreal

Yup agreed, who even makes descent looking cars that get good mpg?

Lets not even go into the speed / hp area with these cars in question. Its just a shame… Who wants to move forward? Make better quality cars for your hard earned money… Hell last I checked this was still 1980…

Feel free not to check this link out. http://www.teslamotors.com/, < Just shows you how dumb these auto makers are now a days.

Oh not to mention “Tesla” is rumored to be bringing a couple cars here to Pittsburgh for some test drives for consumers. I hope this happens, I can’t wait to look at these so called “automobiles” with disgust.

I said 1850, not 1857. :smiley:

The Tesla Roadster is sweet.

wow, they did a great job helping the big three, to the point where they are bankrupt and that was without cafe imposed standards

“We need to make sure we are fair across the board to all manufacturers. There are some inherent disadvantages, especially on the truck issue,” said Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi.

Last time I checked this guy was a Rep, right? What is all this fairness BS when all you guys seem to enjoy is free markets rah rah? Let these companies fail is all I heard in the last auto thread I was reading.

An avid Ayn Rand reader are you? :LOL:

The national govrmt already has imposed a lot of this stuff. Be glad you aren’t ULEV like California.

obviously there’s going to be unrest on a car forum. but for the 95% of the public that sees cars as a form of transportation only it really doesn’t matter

and yeah i will agree with the fact that the gov’t does have a tendency to get involved with a lot of shit anymore, but they have to or it won’t be long before someone takes advantage of a good situation

Then I say take it one step further. If you buy or own a vehicle that is rated less than the new CAFE standard, impose a yearly fee on that vehicle, kind of like a recurring gas guzzler tax. I don’t know, something like $100 for every mpg under the standard. That would encourage people to not only buy more effiecient vehicles, but to get rid of the ones they have. What’s the rating on your Vette?

Or as an option, you can work off your fee by riding a bicycle attached to a big generator that dumps electricity to the power grid. That would help with the national obesity prolem too. If we go to electric cars, California is going to need it. Can you imagine the brownouts with all the cars plugged in? Maybe we could wipe out Beverly Hills and have Westinghouse build several nuclear plants. Now there’s a stimulus package the engineers would like.

I wonder if this is a hybrid. :smiley:

I understand the thread. I understand they are trying to up the cafe standards. I understand that making cars more efficient is better than making them less efficient. What I don’t understand is why the gov has to spend more of our money to make it happen when simple supply and demand will take care of the problem.

If gas goes up too high because people are buying gas guzzlers then they will look for more efficient cars. There, problem solved without wasting even more money from the government.

so wont the next lee harvey please stand up…please stand up

that’s the point… how can you impose a standard that doesn’t take into account that a versa and a full-size towing pickup are bred for two largely different reasons. he’s asking how can someone make a single MPG demand and apply it across the board? the auto companies are failing and should. it’s not the governments responsibility to keep companies in business, i never thought that and never will. they ‘helped’ the auto makers by not voting for these rules… it wasn’t their job to keep them in business, like the garbage bailout.

How is the government making a rule that the car companies produce slightly more efficient cars costing the government money?

Read the next few paragraphs of the same article:

Here is the one from Fox News you posted:

FLEET they say, not all vehicles must be 35mpgs or whatever arbitrary number they use. So, they say 4 or 5% increases per vehicle type.

oh yeah… i get it. If put into perspective it’s not a huge huge problem… make the corvette that gets 8mpg and make the <insert crap car i don’t know> that gets 40mpg and average it.

I guess my point is moreso that it’s the start of something ugly. National government intervention into cars being sold in the US and A… moving forward DOT inspection might not be the only legality when bringing over cars non-us produced. Also what happens when the FLEET increase in MPG works so well that they move on to tackle all the ‘old’ cars out there? just an ugly road to start traveling in my opinion. :gives:

when has the gov done anything that doesn’t cost more money?

the government needs to keep the fuck out of private business.

totally agree. the gov getting it’s hands into private business is not the way to go.

you keep repeating yourself, like we didn’t get it the first time…GOV intervention of emissions/inspections has been around for a long long time and for the most part it’s only been a good thing…how many rust buckets are there in Ohio and Florida where there are no emissions standards…so the GOV actually isn’t doing ish they make the state deal with this issue…so stop with your :blah: they aren’t in private business to begin with (not counting the bailout now), there needs to be some regulation the market doesn’t just take care of itself…go read what Greenspan talked about late last year about the market collapse, that should explain a lot to you…

man is darkstain going to love this vette reference…they get 30mpg’s according to him but all the 09 models with the 6.2 motor get 26mpg in reality terms

it would only be good if they bring foreign cars and make them have higher standards, that’s what I see being argued here to begin with…we can’t compete so let’s make the rules harder on non us models :stuck_out_tongue:

all the old cars will be grandfathered in, that’s how the GOV deals with that stuff, like guns for instance, but let’s not get onto another topic…

i think it’s good, because it’ll make the automakers create alternative fuel cars (hopefully not ethanol that’s not a good long term idea and probalby not even short term actually) meaning electric like the volt and diesels will make a resurrection unless we come up with something else that will be affordable? hydrogen?

the government needs to keep the fuck out of private business.

Great idea! Let’s bring back the 12-hour workday, the 7-day work week, child labor, mandatory debt employment, and the Great Depression. Because they all really worked out well the first time around.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtPwnsyGTxw”]YouTube - Corvette Gets Better Gas Mileage than Prius? - Garage419[/ame]

yeah… top gear did that with an m3. it’s not like both cars are flat out hammered on the gas, so it makes sense… right? what is funny to is that the guy says that he was idling in a stick car thus saving fuel, but in reality when you transmission brake a stick car you aren’t firing the injectors, but at idle you are. so they are retards.

best is jerkoffs in the prius who stop light race you. im pretty sure a prius on 70 or 79 doing 85 mph is not efficent. i think my honda or whatever i drive that day is more.