i realize that he is not SOLELY responsible… but he holds alot of the cards. i dont like the way the country is headed as a whole. the democratic majority in the senate, the house and the presidency is a recipe for fucking disaster.
i find it funny how the people who are questioning my comments are all much younger than myself. ive seen the trends and ups and downs from the various presidencies from regan through to obama and i can say with absolute certainty that with the excessive taxes we will all incur over the next 3+ yrs from the current government you will be begging for bush back…
what were your gripes with bush? that we went to war? that we arent out of iraq or afghanistan yet? what would you propose we had done with the information we were all provided? srsly… as i said before i voted for him TWICE and voted for mccain this time around… thats 3 different elections… some of you were in elementary school the first time i voted (KRAMER)…
this whole political BULLSHIT is a joke anyways… we all have our beliefs. i believe the country would be better off if obama wasnt around along with the majority of congress… but hey… wishes dont all come true.