apparently thinking like that makes you an “obama humper” though lol couldn’t have said it better myself paulo

I think the turn around takes longer than 2 years. When buying a new business it takes 2 years to get it fixed and then 2 more years to get it going forward and I figure the economy can’t be too different. I’d say by the end of his first term we’ll be able to see a real affect on everyday people.

EDIT: I’m a firm believer that what is happening now is a product of bad decisions 4-5 years ago

Yeah you’re right. I wasn’t really thinking about that. But we should see some of his decision making skills happening in the meantime.



He’s not even president yet and his foreign policy is 100x more successful than bush’s. I don’t understand why some of you people don’t see this as important.

This is the problem right here. There are too many retards that think the democratic party and liberals are nothing more than the US version of the bolshevik party.

Take the blinders off. We don’t think that way. I don’t think all republicans are rednecks who cling to god and guns. Why can’t you see that democrats are not commies?

This is what I didn’t like about the McCain campaign, this division that many on the republican side believes exists between democrats and republicans. We just have a diference of opinion on certain key issues. But in the end we are all still Americans. Looking for the means to raise a family and keep them safe.

I find that the right has forgotten that we have much more in common with one another than we have different.

Thats something I liked about Obama. In his speech in 2004 and his victory speech on tuesday he recognized that we need to get rid of the ideas of red vs blue states, there’s too much at stake.