All i’m saying is, lets wait to see how things turn out before we deitise him. I’m convinced many of you are under the impression he can do no wrong. Well, lets find out first.

Couldnt have said it better myself. Agree 100%.


x2… let’s see what this guy can do first before we start all the praise. I for one hope he proves my opinion of him wrong and he turns our country around.

Well so far he has had to apologize to the first lady of one of the most popular Presidents after his FIRST news conference.
Good start dipshit.
He has already exposed his true self.:tup:

link plz


lol great job champ, he really sounds like he knows what hes doing

Yea because a sense of humor really proves he’s some huge idiot, right?

Not sure if you caught the memo, but the election’s over, and dipshitstick McCain lost… Stop wasting your time trying to make Obama look bad. It’s getting/been old… go make fun of Bush. He at least has some legitimate things to poke fun at.

Good point. Because Obama is perfect and non of his ideas, actions, decisions or policies deserve any criticism.

“I’m telling my mommy u made fun of my president!! … wwahhhhhaaaa”

Just because he is my president does not mean I now need to worship the ground he stands on. God forbid I mock a president, as if getting into the oval stops the jokes.I find it funny he made it to the highest office of this country and made what looks like to me to be a rookie mistake in politics, which may or may not foreshadow what the next 4 years will be like, due to his in-experience.

Lets keep going all day obama leg humpers, I’ve got nothing but time


GUYS, he is going to be The President of The United States of America and will be OUR leader, not President of Some of The United States of America. Don’t forget that.

It is important that we all respect him for that no matter what are political views. We do need to stop bashing him because the election is over and he won. Until he gets into office and shows us what he is capable of there is no reason to rip him apart, it’s not like anyone here has never made a mistake before.

Let’s all have a sense of humor, I was probably his biggest opponent and I still respect him.

first time in 8 years i have heard that.

i hate republicans.

after bush there shouldn’t even be this party anymore :slight_smile:

Now common guys, what’s not to like?

-“Surely, Taxing the big oil companies is going to make gas cheaper for all of us. They had record profits again this quarter. They make too much money so we need to get our hands on some of that money. We need to get them to pass those profits on to us in the form of taxes. Yeah, that’s it! They make a lot of money, we’ll tax them!”
[of course the nice, friendly oil companies would never feel the need to pass the cost of paying those taxes on to the consumer in the form of higher gas prices.]

  • “Its not fair that there are so mane people in this country that are struggling to get by while others have more than they could ever spend. So we need to have the people that make good business decisions, who actually make money on those decisions and contribute to the economic infrastructure distribute their wealth to; the lazy, the unwilling to work, the people that make foolish economic decisions, such as buying a house they can’t afford or just living beyond their meas. So, we’re going to raise capital gains taxes. Taking from the rich to give to the poor!”
    [never mind that raising the tax on capital gains will hinder the growth of the market and hence the economy as a whole. Who cares if it slows the rate at which the market tries to recoup its loses of the last year with less people investing money. Essentially locking in the loses you have inured over the last 13 months. Never mind that that house you held for 20years and did all those upgrades to you will be taxed 20% on any profit you make selling it. Redistribution of wealth at its finest!]

-Its a damn shame that many people lost over 40% in their privatized retirement plans (401k’s folks). We simply can not allow this to happen. We need to take Federal control over these retirement accounts so that people won’t lose their hard-earned retirement. We are protecting the little guy form those inept and greedy 401k carriers!"
[sure let the Gov’t handle all of our retirement, It seems to be working well for Social Security since most on this board will never see a penny from it. It will be completely bankrupt by 2040. Don’t take my word for it, says so right on your statement! So let the Government do that to our 401ks too! Yay. Or they will invest it in Federal bonds and commercial paper earning roughly 3%. Never you mind that over time the market return is somewhere between 10.8 and 12.1% We’ll get you 3-4 so you can sleep at night. So you won’t be able to retire until you’re 80, so what? That jsut gives us more time to redistribute your earnings… er, I mean wealth to those lazier… er, I mean less fortunate than you.]

I could go on but frankly I’m sick of typing. This is just the economic policies I have an issue with. I haven’t even gotten to the other social issues or he, even forien policy! So stop picking on him and criticizing him, its not nice and I like him!

That being said, he is our elected leader. The poeple have spoken. I will support him and hope that he does a good job. I hope he is as inteligent as you people say and smart as u people say and realized that many of the promises he made while campaigning aren’t realistic.

Good call. Lets socialize everything! Hell why stop there. Lets tax people 100% and give them an allowance. Then the Federal Gov’t can tell us what to do, what to wear, how to think… Sign me up.

  • Karma
    give the man a chance before condeming him
    I’ve probally voted in more elections than most of you. The past few (including this one) i keep saying to myself i’m tired of voting for the lessor of 2 evils

Do people really think like this? Like it’s actually a possibility at all? Or that we may come anywhere near this outcome?

Let’s see how the country is standing in 2 years and then start talking shit. Hell, the fact that the entire world is happy Obama was elected instead of McCain is one hell of a good fucking start if you ask me.