October 21, 2008, 4:32pm
like i said to the other guy…if you think what i’m saying is wrong…your kidding your self. the people you know are not the demographic…your in a fairly liberal part of America. plus i assume your on the younger side. so location, age, etc have to play in the people you know. plus when looking @ polls keep in mind that what someone tells you is not always what they do… ex… some lady from oklahoma says she is voting for obama, but when she gets in the booth she thinks… wait i can’t take a chance that he is a terrorist…i’m voting for McCain. just read through the political posts on here…there are @ least 1 or 2 fools that still think he is an “arab” &/or not an “american”
Incase you didnt notice, i live in DC.
I was watching CNN today when they said the military favors mccain about 3-1 however, black people in the military favor obama 8/10. does that make any sense?
also here is this link that i was forwarded, rebut it all you want, i dont really care, its the truth. http://hotair.com/archives/2008/10/21/the-comprehensive-argument-against-barack-obama/