Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

Its a private business who cares what their ceo’s do?Its not your or my right to determine what a private business does.

Business is a non entity without someone running it, just a name on a paper, and people running it are only interested in taking money from it, and ideally help it stay in business. That’s how a business runs, whether YOU like it or not.

yes, empoyees make the business profit so that they can profit…still the goal is profit whats your point?

And just to set the record straight, do you or do you not blame businesses for doing illegal things such as hiring illegals to make money?

I said they shouldn’t do anything illegal…

Also for the record you are NOT entirely against government regulation? Only things government can hold those accountable for illegal things is because it made then illegal by regulation. Prior to the regulation those things were legal.

Yes and they arent legal now…I think there should be minimal regulation that guards against safety issues mainly and let everything else work for itself.

And let me get this straight.

It’s OK for government to tax business.
It’s OK for government to tax people.
It’s OK for government to fine individual businesses for breaking rules and regulations.
It’s OK for government to fine individuals for misc rules, tax forms, late filing fees, tickets etc.
It’s OK for government to heavily tax individuals for things that are their own choice of doing such as cigarettes and lottery.
It’s not OK to make everybody have health insurance and tax people for once scaled on their salary if they chose not to?

Do people have a good reason not to have health insurance and then force TAX PAYERS and or HOSPITAL BUSINESS to cover their medical bill if they are in need of immediate attention.

Um, how will making everyone have insurance help anything? People who right now pay 0 taxes, receive free housing, money, food stamps, several free cell phones, free utilities, bus passes, ect. will not be paying for health insurance. Therefor you will still be paying for them…

People who could once barely get by, by working hard and barely making ends meet now have a MANDATORY bill in addition to what they already have. This will push some families into government assistance and we will get their bill too good stuff. You think someone should HAVE to have health insurance? No, if you don’t want it you should receive emergency medical care only if needed.

Aren’t the people bitching about this the same people that bitch about people mooching off the system? In my previous experiences i can name a number of people that got hospital treatments without insurance and never bothered to pay it.

Yes we also bitch about government over reaching and forcing people to do things they shouldn’t have to do. If you think this is going to save the country money your nuts. People will be getting this for free just like they get everything else for free and instead of paying when some go to the hospital, now we get to pay for ALL of them everymonth to give them insurance. All good things