Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

I’d rather be forced to pay to protect myself all day long than be forced to pay to protect others even if I’m not driving my cars.

You guys are nuts. I’d rather be forced to spend money on my own health care than be forced to spend money to make sure others are safe

no but i can read

Can you now? Really?

If you could read basic English you would understand what a comparison structure is.

Let a Russian explain English to you.

I’d rather have mandatory health care than mandatory liability insurance we have in this state now. That’s exactly what it says above.

I’d also rather have this than AIDS as well but preference of it over something worse doesn’t make me a supporter.

Oh, so you don’t support the new healthcare plan?

No, you do support it and that alone means your fine with being forced to pay for health insurance.


Open up your eyes a little man.

Vlad is saying he’s not supportive of the law, but he is less against it than he is of having to have insurance on his vehicles.


I don’t like having to pay tax every week into Social Security that I’m not gonna see either.