Obama's Birth Certificate

I’m sorry but you may say that this is only about the “possibility” that he’s not eligible but that is not the case for 'ol Blue Eyes.

You seem pretty objective so it might be best for you to distance yourself from those who where tinfoil hats.

lets use the Ferber method on BED. If no one acknowledges him, he’ll soothe himself to sleep.

A suggestion to the mods that all of the new threads posted by Blue Eyes be branded with this sign to avoid confusion by those who may not know what they are getting into:


Thank You.

No, his posts are saying exactly what I am with an exception of his persistence in his opinion.

Im teeter tottering on which side I believe but am calling out those who are saying “there is no possible way he cant qualify, its been “proven.”” Or “your crazy stfu.” Because nobody on here is looking at anything from the other sides or more importantly, the neutral perspective.

AWDrifter, while expressing what I am trying to express, is also the voice of the very argument.

But your side has been presented and rejected numerous times. You say you just want to talk about the possibility, but what is left to talk about? Of course there is a possibility, there are possibilities for everything.

This is a flawed logic to have a discussion. You should start out with an idea, try to back it up with evidence. And if it doesn’t hold up, like your argument here then move on, not continue to rant because your argument failed.

The problem with this is it would lead to retarded discussions on other things like:
Is Obama a Muslim?
Is Obama a communist?
Is Obama really a cyborg sent from the future?

Anything falls into the realm of possibilities, especially on here, since no one has a connection to Obama. This only leads to Obama bashing nothing more.

If you and Blue Eyes were truly objective people looking into the realm of “possibilities” then why is there not one discussion generated by you two concerning people of the right? Especially during the campaign? There are plenty of things that could be brought up about McCain. Such as his eligibility, or the many rumors that he worked with the VC as a snitch while imprisoned. You never here that shit brought up and we didn’t ask McCain to refute them either.

Don’t try to mask partisan hatred with the ideals of true objectivity.

But your side has been presented and rejected numerous times.
Rejected by whose standards. Just because one case has been thrown out, it still does not do us objective people justice.

This is a flawed logic to have a discussion. You should start out with an idea, try to back it up with evidence. And if it doesn’t hold up, like your argument here then move on, not continue to rant because your argument failed.
That is exactly how this thread was started and were saying that the evidence is flawed or possibly not legitimate…

The problem with this is it would lead to retarded discussions on other things like:
Is Obama a Muslim?
Is Obama a communist?
Is Obama really a cyborg sent from the future?
All irrelevant to this topic…

Anything falls into the realm of possibilities, especially on here, since no one has a connection to Obama. This only leads to Obama bashing nothing more.
Although I feel Obama was the lesser candidate, bashing is the last thing I am trying to accomplish. If anything falls into the realm of possibilities, why is everyone so quick, insulting and oblivious to other details about this matter.

If you and Blue Eyes were truly objective people looking into the realm of “possibilities” then why is there not one discussion generated by you two concerning people of the right? Especially during the campaign? There are plenty of things that could be brought up about McCain. Such as his eligibility, or the many rumors that he worked with the VC as a snitch while imprisoned. You never here that shit brought up and we didn’t ask McCain to refute them either.
Because the majority of this thread says you’re wrong first and does not ask questions later. Im not arguing McCain in this thread, im not arguing Obamas agenda or reputation. BED’s motivation for arguing is clearly fueled by his hatred for Obama but at the same time, he does not overclutter or shift tangents into “Obama bashing.”

Him, much like I, want some sort of irrefutable evidence saying that this guy is legit… Why cant the original be obtained? Why cant anyone here explain how him forefeiting his US citizenship makes him eligible? The only answer you yaysayers have is “its doccumented” or “factcheck says so” (a heavily democraticly sponsored company too btw)

If our demands are that rugged, then leave us to our Tinfoil hats and gtfo of the thread. But DO NOT say were stupid and wrong for our ideas…

how about all of these:






side note, I just found where you are getting the crap you are spewing

I’m sorry but you have brought nothing to support your argument but hearsay, where are your sources? When we have brought legitimate sources to show our side.

Lmao… Just reading the second paragraph of that first link is enough to convince me even further of his illegitimacy. That and your posting of them in general tells me you’re still to stupid to understand what im trying to say.

I GET THAT THERE IS EVIDENCE OUT THERE BUT AS I HAVE STATED 3 TIMES NOW… IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR ME TO CONCLUDE THAT HE IS LEGIT. AT THE SAME TIME I AM IN NO WAY CLAIMING THAT HE ISNT LEGIT. IM JUST ENTERTAINING IDEAS THAT A.) There is a possibility. B.)You yaysayers have little regard for the evidence in his opposition C.)This evidence is still not going to flip my view untill something further conclusive is displayed.

Now my standards may be tougher than any court in the US but as I said before, in the meantime let me go back to my tinfoil shack and have my thoughts.

Im not claiming my sources are anymore legitimate than yours. THAT IS MY CLAIM… nobody knows. MY BEEF is that you all think you are right based on YOUR EVIDENCE which is all being pulled from the internet and sources we have no idea to be true. Yes im so tinfoily that I would belive Hawaii could turn a cheek to help promote the only valuable person who has come out of that state as I stated before.



Barack Obama’s attorneys took another step to destroy the Constitution of the United States this time in a California State Court. Those attorneys, working with liberal California State Attorney General Jerry Brown, convinced the Judge in that case, at a March 13, 2009, hearing to rule that only Members of Congress can challenge the qualifications of Mr. Obama to serve as President.

The Judge further ruled that a challenge can only be made on the 6th day of January following the meeting of the Presidential electors, at the session of Congress where the vote of the Electoral College is counted and the results announced. To use the Judge’s words, this is “the exclusive means for challenges to the qualifications of President…”

It is great when you can “change” the rules while there are current court cases so you can just shut them down.
I guess this is the “change” he was talking about. This is your country people.


Don’t be a retard. If you don’t understand how Constitutional law works, don’t wrap yourself up in a tinfoil hat.

For your information, if you want to challenge the election of a President by the Electoral College, that judge is exactly right. Since it was not done properly, even WERE he some kind of Indo-Arabian Muslim Terrorist like you seem to think, they cannot now challenge his election. The only recourse would be impeachment.

You want to talk about a scary change? How about the judiciary going above and beyond their legal power and recalling a duly elected President over a conspiracy touted by absolute raving lunatics like you?

I say again, sir, DON’T BE A RETARD.

