Obama's Birth Certificate

Said it b4, and I’ll say it again.

Notice the NAME Format for Dad and Son (First, Middle, Last)

Now look at Momma…That means his Momma is Stanley. So he could say he had 2 Dads. Maybe he’d say “My Two Dads”. Hey, that would be a neat name for a TV show.

:picard: again

Barack Obama was born at the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii,[1][2] to Ann Dunham, a white American from Wichita, Kansas[3] of mainly English descent.[4][5] Obama’s father was Barack Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya. His parents met in 1960 while attending the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student.[6][7] The couple married on February 2, 1961;[8] they separated when Obama was two years old and divorced in 1964.[7] Obama’s father returned to Kenya and saw his son only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[9]

and she goes by her middle name

Ann Dunham Soetoro (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995), born Stanley Ann Dunham, later known as Ann Obama,[citation needed] S. Ann Dunham Soetoro,[2] and finally Ann Dunham Sutoro,[3] was an American anthropologist who specialized in rural development. Born in Kansas, Dunham spent her teenage years in Mercer Island near Seattle, Washington, and much of her adult life in Hawaiʻi. Her son, Barack Obama, is the President-elect of the United States.[4] In an interview, Obama referred to his mother as “the dominant figure in my formative years… The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics.”[5]

all the information is out there, all you have to do is look for it instead of jumping on the bandwagon of stupidity


If this was an issue why wasn’t it brought up by the RNC and the McCain Campaign?
Why weren’t their a number of adds asking about it?
Why would the Supreme Court throw it out immediately?
Why does anyone here think that they make the case when professionals have tried and failed?
And where is the investigation about McCain’s legitimacy?

I can’t believe you brought this back, it really shows how paranoid you are. I fear for your kids. Dinner conversations must be frightening.

I wasn’t jumping on a bandwagon. I really don’t give a rats ass about the birth cert controversy. Frankly, McCain has a ‘natural born US’ grey area himself. And I don’t care about that either.

Was just making a funny. I’m sure I’ve been stupid before, but not in this context. If you want to call names, you can call me unfunny.

you’re unfunny…



You may be one of the most dull egotistical ethuggz I have come across in some time…

I am proposing notions that there is a POSSIBILITY, that if in fact there is a conspiracy going on… that A COPY would be a lot easier and convenient of a method to cover his skeletons up than if he had presented an original (I don’t know many adults who don’t have their originals)… How closed minded do you have to be to just look at one side of an argument where your “FACTS” are being derived from THE INTERNET.

I decided to put all of your bullshit past me and do some of my own research and guess what… a lot of people seem to agree on the fact that it is convenient he failed to present his original BC, especially in a state that has had reported cases of forged birth certificates. But that idea must have gone right over your dumb fuck arrogant head.

At the same time, I recognize that it is THE INTERNET and once again, THE INTERNET does not fail tosurprise me. I have fond five stories claiming different details about his birth. Now if I kept my dim little brain as one dimensional as yours… I would have stopped at the first article that my Google result yielded and said “Well, this says he was born in Kenya from an 18 year old woman and this makes him not Natural Born,” but no… I keep looking! I find articles claiming he was born in Honolulu and articles saying he was registered as a Citizen of Indonesia (which does not allow dual citizenship thus voiding his US status).

My point is, there is a lot of shit out there, and to think you are right because the articles that YOU have read agree with your notions… is just stupid. Be deductive you dumb fuck!

It is ironic that he won his first race by eliminating the competition with techicalities but now he won’t show his mother fucking birth certificate. If it were me I would take it to Nancy fucking Pelosi and say,“Show this to eveyone.” If he does have a legit document and he is just playing games, he is the ultimate asshole. Again, I have heard that he has spent HUGE money fighting these cases. Why? Ultimate ASSHOLE. His arrogance makes Bush look modest. I can’t wait to see him get his ass handed to him. This aint the cest pool of Chicago anymore, it is the big leagues.


Read it and weep.

And check the sources at the bottom of the page if you don’t believe them either.

Like I said before factcheck can bite me. He might as well show it to Annonberg for all I care.
Bring it to the floor bitch!

How about the sources at the bottom?

And since only foil wearing freaks like you have issues with this he doesn’t need to “BRING IT TO THE FLOOR”, he’s got bigger problems to deal with than to prove somthing that has been proven time and time again.

Face it, you lost.


Did anyone hear O&A this morning? This thread reeks of Marcy.

Sorry, you don’t get to end threads.
Next time I get pulled over and the cop asks me for ID I will tell him to check my website.:smash2:
Obama’s school records show he became a citizen of Indonesia. Sorry, can’t be President Barry.
He also lied about having an alias.
Do you care about rules?
Just keep your head in the sand Stroked.

What are you intending to accomplish? Obama being impeached via NYSpeed?

No just trying to get the little pinheads to open their eyes rather than shy away from possible problems. It is a good life lesson for you kiddies.:baby:

If the glove doesn’t fit…

Were you guys on the OJ jury?


if he was born in hawaii, then he was born in the u.s, which means he can be president, it doesnt matter if he didnt live here during elementary school or what the fuck you are trying to prove

If he gave up his citizenship to gain Indonesian citizenship it disqualifies him for the Presidency.