Obtaining a pistol permit in erie county

on topic:
you will not get a permit for the reasons that you have listed, duke

off topic:
your family? dont you live with your g/f? arent you living with in a mile where i am going to be building a house? the home invasion numbers are low… do you know the type of practice it takes to fire a gun “3 shots center mass” when you have been sleeping? open safe, load, clam down the g/f and then find out who is in your house? a gun is a last thing i think of when i want to save me family. getting them out of harms way is the best solution. i can buy everything else over again. and this is coming from someone who has a gun permit(not in this state) and is/ was “sniper” qual in the navy(pistol and rifle)

im just saying perfect scenario… there is no way i would be able to do it

i am not saying i am gods gift to shooting or anything like that…

chances are good i would NEVER need it, and i hope i never would… im not that type… but its just one of those things you think about

a couple other rules, you cant shoot them in the back… thats a misconception
and a cop told me this right here
“if he leaves your house after you shoot him and dies in the street and or on your property, drag him back in”

unless he is apparently trying to rob your neighbor, you can shoot them in the back (see recent texas case)


full circle, i am not one of “shooting” down ideas b/c i come up with enough of my own, but you need to re eval you crime fighting skills. hand to hand is the best defense in the perfect senerio that you have layed out.

beside chances are they dont want to be shot…

think again, texas has different laws.

There is a specific law in texas recently created allowing citizens to shoot anyone they want on their property if they dont get off.

Fuck center of mass…BOOM Head shots

I’m not a marksman for nothing. I really want a nice accurate rifle let the guy come into my house and hang out outside then take him through a window lol

I wanted to add with my negative comments…I am not agaisn’t getting a gun…I just don’t see a handgun being the best choice for home protection…

I would go the shotgun route…

wait a minute women have sex with you?? Invest in a security system and lock the door Rambo

:biglaugh: at the Rambo comment

I have had my pistol permit since 10-2002. I have a full carry permit (Niagara County) and I can walk into any gun store outside of NYC and walk out same day with a gun and ammo, no waiting period. Erie County is the only county in the United States that limits their permits. To get a full carry permit all you need is a letter from a lawyer to the judge that signed off on your permit giving good reason and he should lift the restricted status, since there is no lawful reason for the restrictions on the permits. If you move to a neighboring county you can get the restriction lifted as well. As far a shooting someone if they come in your house, the only reason you should ever shoot at someone is if your life or your family’s life was in danger and there is no other way to escape the situation. It will not stand if you shoot someone for stealing your ps3, even criminals have rights.
You have a definite advantage with a pistol over a shotgun for home protection. You only need one hand to operate a hand gun, you can maneuver with a hand gun easier and if you’re within 20 feet of an assailant you do not need to worry about accuracy. In my opinion the best home protection gun is a large caliber (.45 or bigger), double action, sub compact, revolver, with home protection rounds loaded.

And if you are gonna keep any guns in your house, take a gun safety course and keep them away from your kids…a little public safety notice :slight_smile:


Yup. An old teacher of mine that was a judge told me the same thing. Because they are leaving and they are not doing anything to you even if they did just rob your home.

Just remember, this isn’t Texas. Like that fool who ran outside of his house and tore up two thugs for breaking into his neighbors hood, WHILE on the phone with 911. --In response to Yeegoose, he’s totally right. It’s like what I learn in college, as a cop, you can only use deadly force if your life, or any others around you, are put in jeapordy.

You have to ammend that, ONLY IN NYS can you only use deadly force if your life is in danger. In many states if a person is on your property to do you OR your property harm, you have the right to shoot them. Also in many states, police can shoot someone who is fleeing and is considered “violent”. NYS is pretty much fucked. The Supreme Court has said that its NOT required that the police protect the individual, just the community as a whole. And if they don’t have to protect you, and you have to wait until your very life it threatened, what do you do? wait for a 300 lb man to charge you before you can draw your pistol and shoot? Its been proven that even the best pistol draw, can’t unholster and aim his pistol in the general direction in the time it takes the fattest person to travel 20 feet. Shoot them in the head, and then its just your story.

Yea, your assuming you actually hear the person, and have time to calm down, open safe… what life proves, is that a person can go threw your front door, and all your interior doors in about 15 seconds. How fast can you spin that knob when your hands are shaking, your G/F is screaming, and your hear them running down the hall?

Leave it loaded in your slippers by the bed. Right next to the bat.

When you see them throw them the bat and shoot the shit out of them.


Leave the gun unloaded… throw them the gun and then beat the shit out of them.

Haven’t any of you guys played Unreal?

For those of you worried about shaky hands… lol.

You can be shaky as fuck and shoot someone in your living room. You don’t need 3 shots center mass… you need one warning shot… if it hits him, its still a warning. If he doesn’t get the point from there… you’ll have time to get closer and empty the clip.

I wrote “spin that knob” as in how fast can you unlock the safe that the poster said you should have your weapon locked in at all times, and must unlock in order to defend yourself. You can be shaky with a pistol and make it work, but you can’t be too shakey with the safe dial, or inaccurate with it in the dark.

I keep my pistol loaded and unlocked inside a locked small firebox that I lagged to the wall behind my night table. It is much easier to unlock that box than unlocking a trigger lock. The light from my alarm clock is enough to get the lock undone.
I thought someone was in my house one night and I drew my gun, it was the stupid cat, I should have shot him. you would be surprised how steady handed you will remain. I thought I was going to be all shaky but when your in that moment everything is different, I remember thinking about stupid things like wishing I had a shirt and shoes on in case I have to chase someone down the street, and hoping I don’t shoot someone on my freshly cleaned carpets.