Obtaining a pistol permit in erie county

So cliffs notes…

Its easier just to move out of new york, then to get a gun permit in new york.

Done and done.


That is the first place crooks go to steal your gun. In fact my buddies got stolen from there, and when he reported it the cops said “Let me guess, night stand or top of closet”.

best to sleep with it under your pillow.

hard to do with a 90# 4 legged doorbell.

Granted it can still be stolen if no one is home, but that’s not really what the weapon is for anyhow.

Bird shot filled with rock salt.

yea i’ve been thinking of obtaining one myself for sometime but i’ve been putting it off for over a year…

I have the paperwork mostly filled out but when you work and play mostly in other cities its hard to find quality referrences.

you do not shoot to wound an intruder… you may as well appear with a aisoft gun and just piss the guy off who may or may not be armed and there to slaughter your family… thats how home owners get killed

Didn’t you just move into Clarence?

me? no lancaster

to just get a hunting/target permit is easy but still a pain. Unrestricted is hard/almost impossible to aquire, unless you can prove you travel with large amounts of money or you have some sort of a dangeious job. I have an unrestricted permit and even being in law enforcement it was still a pita. Just need good references and go to local police station and get you fingerprints taken. Then you will have to take a 47hr course

You always shoot to kill, lol. This is a common misconception that it seems many dont understand. You shoot to kill, that usually avoids anyone else getting hurt and all possible law suits.

Its a PITA… i already gave up on it. Illegal guns are way more protective anyway.

i wouldnt get a pistol, maybe rifle, shot gun, b/c chance are you will be trying to hit a moving target and from behind.

wait, wait, you become a home owner and now you want to protect something? well duke, chance are if the moment comes you will not pull the trigger. if you want to protect ur self and your assets learn self defence 1st. (hand to hand) b/c guns kill people

you wanna go to the class together?? I paid like 2 months ago but havent went. I do plan to buy a shotgun in the mean time

I was in the middle of my application, but had to stop it because I had to deploy. And even though your military, you get nothing in the way of help. So its just rifles for another year I guess.

if somebody breaks into my house and starts coming up the stairs at me and or my family. i WILL pull the trigger…

hand to hand combat is retarded in a situation like that… you dont know if the other guy has a guy/knife etc…

you want me to go charging/yelling down a hall/down stairs at an intruder with a guy who possibly came into my house specifically to kill me/my family… (a stretch, but home invasions do happen)

i hope to god i never have to fire my gun at somebody but if i do

3 shots center mass… figure everything out afterwards

:lol: @ 3 shots center mass…

Have you seen all the videos of cops shooting at suspects and hitting air?

Yet your going to wake up out of a dead sleep…load and fire some gun in the dark…and hit someone 3 times…


Has Lancaster ever had a violent home invasion?

Just buy a shot gun and put on a pistol grip on it. :wink:

Shotguns spread for a reason.