Saving money, cutting costs

First the bold. People diserve the RIGHT to those things. You are right. Thats that having the ability to apply for and work at a job is for. The problem comes when people assume the right to “diserve” those things comes to them with little to no effort on their part. Thats what chris was saying. The first step is getting a damn job, second step is working hard for that job, and BETTERING YOURSELF TO GET A BETTER POSITION AND MAKE MORE MONEY, AND WORK HARD IN THAT ONE TO BETTER YOURSELF AND GET AN EVEN BETTER POSITION…

Now the big letters. To answer your question, THE WORKERS! They have the job and work it, if they are out living their income thats their lifestyle’s problem. The people that you are refrencing to as sucking the tax payers money from us becasue they do exactly that. Settle for a bottom barrel job, and do as little to keep it. Complaine about it and do next to nothing to get ahead and move up the ladder. FUCK THEM I SAY.

The profitability of the company doesnt need to make it rain on the shelf stackers coming into work in a rotted out 81 honda, smelling like booze and cig smoke, disrespecting customers and other employees, etc. If they are not content with their job, their pay… they dont DISERVE to have someone hold their hand and show them how to make a career advancment!