Occupy Wallstreet

unions = :rofl

Want to know why your job sucks, and you hate the people above you? becasue you, like me, are disgusted by people in better jobs than us, making more money than us, doing effectively less “work”, and not becasue they “earned” it.

Thank Unions for this.

Since they made it a secret society of workers, and made it “hard” to get into their club, they made it seem like a high and mighty place to be. Contract signed to a Union and they are in. Vast majority sit back and watch the select few Union workers that still take pride in exchanging labor for food on the table.

Its just like highschool all over again. The cool kids lean up against the lockers in the hallway and bully the lackeys around to get what they want. Everyone want to be like them, once they are selected they too follow like sheep in a herd.

To make the never ending cycle worse, all it take is elevated greed and a way to get that contract signed to keep the cycle going. When things dont go their way, and they are still under contract they strike and get away with it becasue they have a strangle hold on the production. And they hang themselves when they need to also. Just becasue you are in, doesn’t mean you cant be walked over. Look into the NYS & PEF contract news. I am glad they are finally starting to see why the unions are killing the state. A good friend of mine was put on the chopping block from that, one of the few that actually got things accomplished when they needed to be. While the rest literally slept at their desks.

It all boils down to finding WORTH in jobs and what ever type of labor is involved in them. Get rid of the do-nothings. Let them starve their families, I could care less. Make production worth something again. Make the jobs worth getting up to go complete again. Make diplomas in college a challenge again. END the “work less get paid more” mentality and watch the “middle class” survivors rise to the top again.