Occupy Wallstreet

Oh man I can have a field day with you.

How much physical labor somebody does, always matters when talking about working hard. I’ve been on both sides and having more responsibility doesn’t make you “work harder”. A guy in a warehouse having to move 10,000 pounds of shit a night will work his ass off during the night while the supervisor won’t. Since when is “being responsible” work?

They are public business because they are a public company as anybody can become a shareholder and it’s open market. If a company is going to waste money on contracts that don’t reward hard work from it’s CEO’s and punish lazy and unsuccesfull CEO’s I’ll want nothing to do with that company. I’m sure none of the shareholders agree with those contracts either, but clearly they have no voice in the matter, it’s up to the board.

Again, it’s an easy ass job. I’ve been there.

You are just something else aren’t you. Fine it’s not real world numbers, lets use some real world examples. You said you wouldn’t take a promotion that paid more because you have to work harder? Then you have no right to tell others to work harder or get a better job. You wouldn’t take a promotion if it came to you? You’d get paid more and you would be taxed more. Just like in my example :facepalm

Another examples of how conservatives are ignorant. It is impossible for US to price match overseas jobs for the same labor. You aren’t going to have people working here to make $10 a day or kids making shoes and Tshirts in sweatshops all day for $5. Get the fuck out of here.

I don’t remember last time I voted for welfare. Do you? Welfare get’s voted on by people in power who can’t seem to pass any other bill worth a shit that makes any financial sense. People in power vote for welfare because of lobbyists and direct other interests of people who make money off it and encourage the voting for it. End of story.

Partially agree. However you don’t understand what happens when people are removed from welfare. They aren’t just going to go on the street and die or “stay quiet” about it. People will do anything to survive in desperate times. You know what the easiest and popular job over seas that requires no education and pays very well? Criminal activity. This is why gangs are more predominant and mafia is more popular the poorer people get. A guy in wealth pays pretty good money by finding people with nothing else to lose.