Occupy Wallstreet

It’s amazing that people think because they camp out in a park they’re entitled to free tuition.

The woman I quoted is too educated to work:

I am too educated and inspired to be sitting at a corporate temp desk job.

“…So instead I decided to sit in this park and try to get handouts from people”

The American Dream is not a myth but people arent entitled to it just because they live here either. That women is clearly a moron. If you want something work hard and get it, dont sit around throwing a temper tantrum expecting somebody else to give away hand outs.

Like anything and everything else in this country, over time everyone forgets what the original goal was.

please, read my photographic essay and then say something. the media is so biased on this whole thing. it’s sad to see the people i’ve befriended, good people (NOT DRUG ADDICTS) who just want to make a change in the world being handled and portrayed like rabid animals. corporate interest is a nightmare as a free citizen of this country, because that means my vote doesn’t count for shit. if you can argue with that, you’re a schmuck and don’t appreciate our country for what it’s SUPPOSED to be. this is my first hand experience at zuccotti park from my perspective:
enjoy! and please, think and educate before you go making threads about “hippies!”

when times get rough, hustle harder my friend.
a lot of people are at ows for the wrong reasons. but it all boils down to the fact that money makes shit happen and when you’re part of an aristocracy it’s easy to shut people down into castes and turn the other cheek. it may be unfair but that is the american way and we are NOT a completely socialist or communist based system. of course the lower class wants socialism. it’s saved countless countries from poverty throughout time.

The day corporations stop bribing the corrupt government will be the day I stop caring about what they do.

Who funds the work groups?

the donations, which has reached over a million now. for supplies and such. no one’s getting paid, not yet at least. or that we know about.

Sorry but this movement is over, it ended when the cops came and they folded like beach chairs. Now it’s about revenge for them as some of them stated they want to burn NY to the ground and the latest news from the camps is they want to put together a list of demands. Sorry but they’re not getting my money, if they majored in poetry or womens studies then it’s their own damn fault they can’t live comfortably. This whole movement will be remembered for drumming and raping and nothing more.

revolutions don’t happen with one movement. you hold a valid point but if you support the idea, don’t give up on the loss of one location. there’s occupations everywhere.

Occupy Best Buy on Black Friday.

^rofl i’ll be there

please dont. i have to work a 12 hour shift. :cry:

I still see this movement going nowhere.

Needs better message that’s easy to sell and for people to get behind.

If it’s a rally of the people for the people they surely are doing a poor job getting 99% to like and support them.

Do you stock go pro2 ?

Apparently an 84 year old women was blasted with pepperspray at an occupy wallstreet movement in Seattle last night.


This photo would be amazing to be used as a caption contest…I wonder who can come up with the best caption?

Who are you

yeah, this is apparent. i’m on the same page as far as the nyc thing goes. my friend is in DC right now doing shit, literally building a permaculture. kinda silly i guess, but the point is to instigate others to stop relying on corporations. valiant effort if you ask me. this whole thing is symbolic. i think everyone’s just waiting for the microwave to go ding and dinner’s ready. it’s not like that though unfortunately.

old news zzzzz
let’s discuss the occupation of the bklyn bridge? last time they tried over 700 were arrested. record number for…(im not a cop so im not sure what to call it) mass arrests?