Occupy Wallstreet

They wouldn’t get off my lawn!


“[in old, NYC accented woman voice] OH MY GAWD, I though bukkake was some sort of baked good!”


They started assaulting cops yesterday.

So much for peaceful protesting.

Maybe now they’ll go back to work and “Occupy a Desk.”

5 people were arrested for assault, its not liek its some epidemic and everyone hitting cops, and to be honest, i doubt it was that violet, probably some jackass resisting arrest and elbowed a cop in the face by accident or something… Not sticking up for them… just saying, ive seen some questionable shit cops have been doing to some of these people so it wouldn’t surprise me if “assaults” are taken a bit out of context

Despite being asked by local businesses the “Occupy” Movement will still block local ports and terminals up and down the west coast. They say their goal is to stop corporate greed, economic inequality etc. etc.

How long before these protestors/unions/longshoremen/police tuen to violence? Stay tuned.

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan pleaded with the occupiers to go home and allow the longshoremen and truckers get on with their livelihoods.

“People have to think about the consequences,” she said. “People have to think about who they are hurting. They are saying, `We want to get the attention of the ruling class.’ Well, I think the ruling class is probably laughing, and people in this city will be crying this Christmas. It’s really got to stop.”

I like that Mayor, on a serious note though how retarded are these people? Block a port? Do they have any idea how many blue collar workers they are hurting?

I like that Mayor too and he’s got a point.

The “Occupy” movement doesn’t care who they hurt in order to reach their unreachable goal. Their actions will only cause further alienation from the groups they think they’re trying to save.

Gooooo Congress!!


all these people are doing is making themselves look like the stupid jobless hippie trash they are

Isn’t there a thread for this OT banter?

Really good point here HudsonFalcon.

I can understand if they tried to use a blockade or created a chain of people not allowing people who work for big investment bankers like Goldman & Sachs but when it’s hurting blue collar workers I think they’re doing more harm then good.

I though there was. Searched for Congress and this came up. :dunno
